

金門縣政府近年來致力發展金門觀光。而觀光勝地之行道樹為遊客對當地的第一形象,更是遊客對生態環境的直接感受。行道樹不但擁有美化環境、淨化空氣、調節氣候、減低噪音等功能之外,尚有其景觀功能,使行道樹在觀光資源上扮演重要的角色。 金門地區早期之行道樹樹種以木麻黃為主,木麻黃亦成為金門行道樹的特殊景觀。近年在行道樹之持續補植及改植下,新栽植的行道樹缺乏整體的規劃,讓金門的行道樹逐漸產生許多待解決之問題,所以金門行道樹之改善是勢在必行。 本研究針對金門行道樹進行普查,並將行道樹樹種與其空間資訊透過GIS的整合平台進行整合,據此可計算出不同路段的樹種分布情形,可做為進一步分析使用。此計劃可呈現金門之哪些路段特別具有行道樹的特色、特定樹種在金門的分布狀況,以及不同樹種在不同季節中花、果、葉所呈現出來的顏色,在不同季節會有色彩的變化,將其連結至既有的GIS行道樹圖層,即可呈現出不同季節不同樹種的花、果、葉色彩在空間配置上的變化情形,可做為道路景觀評估的重要依據。 最後,依據所設定的樹種過多、兩側不對稱及無特殊色彩變化的三個原則,來評估金門地區未來行道樹可以改善的路段。分析結果再根據局部或全段改善的分別,可以提出短期及長期應改善的建議路段,做為未來改善之參考。


Tourism industry poses an important role in Kinmen County. In general, street trees give tourists the first impression of an area. Furthermore, street trees not only have the ecological function but also provide the functions of enhancing the environment, cleaning the air, regulating the climate and reducing the noise. The main type of street trees in Kinmen County was Casuarina equisetifolia in the early stage, and its landscape was not consistent with the present stage with more variety of tree species. Due to the inconsistence of the street landscape, rearranging street trees was necessary for the government. This study aimed to obtain different spatial information of street trees by Geographic Information System. The distribution of different street trees in each segment could be identified easily by characterizing their flower, fruit and leaf color change with GIS. In addition, different periods of biological phenomena were the major concerns to the landscape assessment, and it could be evaluated through gathering these information from GIS. After completely surveying, the allocation of street trees on some road segments was needed to be re-planted based on three principles: (1) the appropriate species of street tress, (2) the symmetry of street trees on two sides of road, and (3) color variation. According to the results, the rearrangement of street trees could be divided into two ways which were partial and entire rearrangement, and also the short and long term objectives could be set up for the future allocation of street trees.


