  • 期刊


The Role of Web Technology in 2008 U. S. Presidential Campaign


美國2008年選舉週期,由於網路科技的成熟,以及民眾網路使用習慣的養成,奠定了網路選戰的基礎。參議員歐巴馬參與總統競選,敢於運用新科技,加上他過去在芝加哥組織社區的經驗,又有一批曾經在2004年協助前佛蒙特州長狄恩競選的資訊專家替他策劃,創造了一個強大的網路競選機制,成功的動員了數十萬人助選,並發揮了空前的募款能力,讓歐巴馬在一年多一點的時間,就募得將近五億美金,屢創募款紀錄。 YouTube的出現,讓候選人可以越過大眾傳播媒介,直接跟民眾溝通,雖然還無法取代電視的地位,卻已能跟電視並駕齊驅,成為候選人與選民傳播的重要管道。不過,由於影帶製作成本低廉,YouTube的普及,讓一些激進份子的影帶氾濫網路。在沒有守門人把關的情況下,這種資訊氾濫的情況令人擔心。 網路發展對於總統選舉最重要的貢獻之一,就是查核候選人言行的網站不斷增加。賓夕法尼亞大學安尼伯格中心的事實查核網站、以及華盛頓郵報和聖彼得堡時報的類似網站,每天對候選人的言論進行查核,提供民眾參考,讓他們可以在選舉中作出更明智的選擇。


As a result of the maturing of web technology and the public's growing reliance on the internet for campaign information, the time is ripe in the 2008 presidential election circle for a web campaign revolution. The candidacy of Sen. Barack Obama in the presidential contest has ushered in such a revolution because of the first-term senator's readiness to embrace new technology, his ample experience as a former community organizer in Chicago, and the assistance of the new media staff of former Vermont Governor Howard Dean whose innovative use of the internet had rallied thousands of supporters to his cause in his 2004 run for Democratic presidential nomination and collected $50 million in online campaign contributions. Obama, using his all-powerful website, my.barackobama.com, has successfully mobilized thousands of volunteers in caucus states to teach supporters about caucus procedures and staged get-out-the-vote campaigns in primary states to blunt the advantage of the much better-known Sen. Hillary Clinton and win the Democratic nomination. His fundraising prowess has been impressive, raking in nearly half a billion dollars in a little more than a year. The advent of the video exchange website YouTube has allowed candidates to bypass the traditional media of mass communication and communicate directly with the voters. It also enables candidates to consolidate their supporters through videos that their supporters can relate to each other. Of course, YouTube also makes it extremely cheap for radical organizations or even individuals to play a role in the debate of the presidential campaign. In fact, they are much harsher in their attacks on the candidates they oppose than the candidates they support. As a result, the net is flooded with videos without being screened by traditional media's gate-keepers. This could pose a problem for the public not prepared for such a mess. A major positive development of the web age is the emergence of an increasing number of web sites that check the truthfulness of nearly every remark made by major presidential aspirants. This will enable the voters to make a better informed choice of their leaders.


Joe Gaziano, Joe,Liesen, Laurette(2008).Study of Presidential Candidate Websites 2008.Paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association.(Paper delivered at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association).
The Washington Post
Geiger, Kimberley(2006).Allen's Missteps Give Dems a Chance at Seat in Virginia.(San Francisco Chronicle).
The Internet and the 2008 Election
Kernaghan, Kenneth(2006).Moving Beyond politics as Usual? Online Campaign, Digital State at the Leading Edge.Toronto:University of Toronto Press.


