  • 期刊


Erythema Annulare Centrifugum Associated with Breast Carcinoma: Report of a Case




Erythema annulare centrifugum (EAC) is often associated with infectious, autoimmune or neoplastic diseases, nevertheless, the etiology and pathogenesis of this disease remain unclear. We reported a 55-year-old woman who had a history of spondyloarthropathy and been treated regularly in a medical center for seven years. The patient presented with reddish skin rashes over the neck and lower limbs since November 2003 and the skin lesions did not respond to topical antifungal treatment. The patient then visited our clinic for her skin lesions, presenting multiple annular or arciform erythematous patches with scales centrifugally involving neck, trunk and four limbs. Skin scraping for KOH preparation was negative for fungus. We took skin biopsy from the back lesion for pathological examination to show mild epidermis spongiosis and dermal perivascular mononuclear cells infiltration, consistent with the pathological findings of EAC. The patient was then treated with topical steroids and narrow-band phototherapy, but the lesions still waxed and waned. Six months later, the patient discovered a non-tender mass in her left breast by self-palpating, and the mass was later proven to be mammary ductal carcinoma. She underwent a total mastoidectomy in July 2004, and then received chemotherapy for a consecutive three months. The skin lesions of EAC resolved spontaneously and completely after the operation without any sign of relapse of EAC skin lesions, nor the recurrence of breast carcinoma in the two months after the chemotherapy. To our knowledge, this is the first documented case with a concurrence of EAC and breast carcinoma.
