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Observations on the breeding Biology of Besra Sparrowhawk (Accipiter virgatus)


台灣松雀鷹(Accipiter virgatus)為台灣特有亞種猛禽,本報告針對其築巢環境、生殖習性、幼鳥的生長發育過程及食性等作初步觀察。台灣松雀鷹產卵期約在4月下旬至5月初,築巢於樹林,離地10~20m。每窩產3~4顆卵,孵卵及孵雛的工作主要由雌鷹負責,這段期間,雄鷹會傳遞食物給雌鷹。除了偶爾回巢探視或攜帶食物回巢外,雄鷹很少在巢上停留。卵約經28~30日孵化;幼鷹離巢的日齡,雄性約為23~26日;雌鷹則為30~32日。幼鷹離巢後之活動範圍能以巢為中心,依賴親鳥供食,經過一個半月後擴散至較遠處。幼鷹孵出時眼睛已睜開,全身具有白色絨毛,約10日齡才能從外部看出飛行及尾羽羽鞘黑色的部分;幼鷹離巢時,以具有亞成鳥體型,僅尾羽尚未完全發育。離巢前雄性幼鷹約重147g,雌性幼鷹約重222g,均已接近成鳥體重。台灣松雀鷹以鳥類為主食,育雛期間觀察到的100例餵食紀錄,可辨認的有90例,其中高達86例是鳥類,佔95.6%;小型鼠類和蟬,僅佔4.4%。鳥類中可辨別種類的有17種,其中以家鴿的體型最大,五色鳥(Megalaima oorti)被捕食的次數最多。


台灣松雀鷹 繁殖習性 食性


Observations of the breeding events of the Besra Sparrowhawk (Accipiter virgatus) were conducted at Nankang, Taipei City in 1992, and Beidongyenshan, Nantou County, from 1993 to 1994. The breeding season ran from late April to early May as defined by the dates of egg laying. Nests were placed on the main branches of taller trees within the forest. Heights of the nests ranged from 10 to 20 m above the forest floor. Clutch sizes ranged 3~4 eggs per nest. The incubation period was about 28 days. Male and females nestlings varied in their fledging dates, as males fledged at about 23 days after hatching and females fledged 30 days after hatching. Fledglings stayed around the nest about 45 days before dispersal. The growth pattern showed sexual differentiation in development. After only 9~10 days. we were able to tel1 the gender of each nesrling. The prey species of the Besra Sparrowhawk were mainly birds (95.6%), with a few other animals (4 .4%) like shrews and insects. The domestic dove was the largest prey observed. Black-Browed Barbrt (Megalaima oorti) was the most common prey among the 17 identified species of birds.


