  • 期刊


The Strategy Development of Ready-to-Wear Industry in British


英國於第二次世界大戰之後,其成衣產業突然在國際間扮演起重要的地位,甚至快速地成爲國際間相當有口碑的成衣大國,雖然這個現象已是大家所熟悉的事實,但在相關的學術研究領域中,卻始終未見有任何的研究,探討出英國政府在關鍵的第二次世界大戰期間,英國政府到底是運用什麼樣的策略與模式,讓英國的成衣產業發展能脫胎換骨、傲視全球。而本次研究就是期望,透過歷史學的文獻資料分析法,以及歸納法爲精神,以當時留存至今的第一手史料文獻,爲這懸而未決的疑問找尋答案。 最後藉由珍貴的史料文獻,探討出英國戰時成衣產業政策的模式,並歸納出五大核心策略,研究者亦發現每一項策略之間都互有關聯,相互呼應。最後,研究者進一步將這五大策略歸結成一個完整的論點,那就是:「以基本政令的規定作爲後盾;以配額制度的推行作爲手段;以實用計畫的推展作爲理念;以產業集中的推行爲方法;以海外出口的強化爲方針」,也正因有這五大策略的落實,終於使得英國能在第二次世界大戰之後,順利在國際成衣產業的發展中脫穎而出、獨占鼇頭,而這也可作爲台灣成衣業發展的借鏡。


Economic development is a continuous process. All countries usually meet with different problems of economic development at different stages. They will bring forward some Economic Policy with their different political and economic background to solve the economic problems at that time. Putting the economic policy into effect has to be the definite subject and focus to take proper action on certain sectors. In recent years the fashion industry has grown into a very large business. British ready-to-wear garments are considered the best in the world. The causes of the development of the British fashion industry have not so far been fully explored by fashion historians; particularly in relation to the effects of the restrictions imposed on fashion by the Second World war. Consequently, in this dissertation, I have researched into as much of the available information as possible in an effort to explain why the fashion industry is such an important part of our economy. The international implications of the involvement of couturiers with the ready-to-wear industry as a result of the War, have also been outlined.


Dorner, J.(1975).Fashion in the Forties and Fifties.London:
Leigh, S. P.(1977).The Development of the Fashion Industry.London:
(His Majesty's Stationary Office (1939-1950), Board of Trade Journal, 142-159.).
His Majesty's Stationary Office (1939-1946), Statutory Rules and Orders.
