  • 期刊


Constructing the Image of the Great Man in Biographical Films: Representations of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen in Taiwan and Mainland China in the 1980s




孫文 傳記電影 敘事


This study compares images of the hero or great man in parallel "cross-strait" biographical films about Dr. Sun Yat-Sen produced in 1986. The construction of the image of Dr. Sun has long been a main element in the official discourses of Taiwan and Mainland China. The KMT of Taiwan conferred the title "Father of the Nation" on Dr. Sun, and the Communist Party honored him as a great revolutionary forerunner. Regardless of his historical position and role in the official discourse, Dr. Sun is considered a source of political legitimacy. However, due to changes in cross-strait relations and ideology, the image of Dr. Sun has been transformed in films produced on each side of the Strait. The 1987 debut of a cross-strait film coincided with the 120th anniversary of Dr. Sun's birth. This biographical film about Dr. Sun's life was filmed in 1986 when the relations between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait were still hostile. The official ideologies of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party colored the portrayals of Dr. Sun. Our textual interpretations of these two films demonstrate that the official discourses of the time determined the representations of Dr. Sun, as well as the narrative strategies and expositions used to construct his image and biography. The official ideologies and historical perspectives on either side of the Taiwan Strait affected the images of Dr. Sun in the film.


Dr. Sun Yat-Sen biographical films narrative


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