  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess

Feasibility of Instant Messaging Application for Distance Employment Support Groups For People With Mental Disorders In The Community: A Pilot Study


INTRODUCTION:People with mental disorders usually have shorter employment periods, but with appropriate job support, patients’ job tenures could be prolonged. With the popularity of smartphones, instant messaging (IM) applications (Apps) can be used as an intervention tool to help people with disabilities overcome barriers regarding employment. OBJECTIVES:This study will assess its feasibility, and refine a formal research plan based on the results. The objectives of this study include investigating the current status of smartphone and IM APP use among people with mental disorders in the community, exploring the correlation between participant functions and mobile phone usage, and developing the themes of employment support groups in inter-professional teams and client-centered practices. METHODS:In this study, intentional sampling was used to recruit subjects from a mental hospital in Taipei City. We produced a total of 25 question questionnaires for this study and referenced the Digital Gap Questionnaire and the Nielsen’s 2021 LINE Usage Behavior Survey. To understand participants' cognitive function, we used cognitive function tests, including Color Trajectory Test (CTT), Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) and Allen Cognitive Level Screening Assessment (ACL). Based on literature review on issues related to employment support, the topics and contents were formulated according to the discussions of relevant personnel at the confernce. RESULTS: Among the 39 participants, 66.7% had experience in using mobile phones. For participants use LINE as their main IM. Only 3 of them (11.5%) had used LINE's telehealth services. Most participants (91.6%) felt that LINE's group function could provide a feeling of being together and supporting each other. The results of various cognitive tests are positively correlated with experience with IM and ACL scores, and the results of various WCST tests are significantly negatively correlated. In CTT, there was a significant negative correlation only on cues of time fraction and CTT-2. We designed the group topics related to employment support, and gradually developed the topics through discussions with relevant professionals (psychologists, occupational therapists, case managers, research participants, etc.) at expert meetings. Based on the research results, we inferred that the intervention model used in this study has advantages for people with mental disorders. On the other hand, when using interventions, we need to consider possible obstacles, adequately help patients learn IM prior to participation, and incorporate cognitive training into rehabilitation activities. The number of participants should be appropriately controlled, and groups can be formed according to the specific needs of patients. To compensate for the lack of digital capabilities, we recommend helping patients understand the government’s process for obtaining digital subsidies. CONCLUSION:The mHealth approach of using mobile devices to support healthcare has been widely used abroad. This practice offers the opportunity to expand health interventions beyond traditional care settings, but participants must be fully assisted and trained in advance for the effectiveness of remote support groups.


