  • 期刊


Transnational Factors in the Religious Market: Building a New Theory of Religious Economy through a Comparison of State-Religion Relations in Taiwan and China




The religion-state relations in China and Taiwan present an interesting comparison. After the 80s, the two sides embraced different forms of politics, but a subtle similarity exists in the general direction of religious administration. Although the rulers held distinct views toward religions, they pursued the same political goal by manipulating and oppressing religious organizations that represented strong elitist and social bases. The author argues that comparing the two religious politics provides a "quasi-experimental" environment: one regime was fragile and forced to embrace democratization with the full impact of international civil society, and therefore adopted an open market policy toward religions, while another had a strong authoritarian structure with apparent tendencies for expelling any influence from democratization and international civil society. Even today China still restricts its religious market from any foreign player. From a historical perspective, religious administration policies in China and Taiwan were both affected by international considerations, and the development paths of religion-state relations showcased the importance of international factors overlooked by the current religious economy theory. This paper proposes a new transnational focus in religious economy theory, as illustrated by this cross-country comparison, and hopes that the new framework can draw attention to the deficiency and encourage more investigators to explore similar issues.


王作安,「關於當代中國政教關係」,學習時報(北京),2009 年11 月23 日,第1 版
王長新(1997)。又40 年。加拿大:福音出版社。


