  • 期刊


China's Role in Vertical Specialization of Production and China/US’s Trade to East Asian Countries: An Observation Based on Trade Date


本研究的主要目的是探討中美貿易在與東亞主要經濟體貿易互動中的特徵,並根據聯合國(United Nations)生產階段(production stages)的大類經濟類別(Broad Economic Categories; BEC)的數據及Lafay國際專業化指標探討中國大陸對東亞主要經濟體、美國以及歐盟十五國的外貿比較優勢,進而了解中國大陸貿易在東亞國際垂直生產階段的角色。結論發現,中國大陸不但在中間產品對世界與東亞的貿易已由貿易逆差轉變為貿易順差,而且中國大陸最終產品中的消費品對世界的貿易由貿易順差轉變為貿易逆差。中國大陸貿易結構與生產分工已不再是簡單的加工組裝貿易,同時中國大陸對東亞經濟體(日韓)的貿易也不再以進口中間產品再做簡單的加工裝配為主,而是有生產技術產品所需的機械設備的資本品的出口。


中美貿易 垂直專業化 BEC 東亞


The purpose of this study is to investigate characteristics of Sino-US trade and China's trade of specialization in a particular stage of production among East Asian economies. Based on data collected from the Broad Economic Categories(BEC)of the United Nations of Production Stages and the Lafay index, China trade comparative advantages among East Asian, US, and European Union-15 economies are investigated, and China's role in the trade of East Asia vertical specialization is evaluated. The findings of this study show that China's intermediate goods trade with both the world and East Asia turns into trade surplus, while China's consumer goods trade with the world also turns into trade deficit. The trade structure of China is no longer a simple processing and assembling trade. China's trade with East Asian economies(especially Japan and South Korea)is not limited to importing intermediate goods for assembling trade, but includes capital goods exports, such as mechanical equipments that are needed to produce technical products.


Sino-US trade vertical specialization BEC East Asia


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中國大陸投資指南網站,〈1986~2007 年外商投資企業進出口商品總值統計〉,http://www.fdi.gov.cn/pub/FDI/wztj/lntjsj/wstzsj/2007nzgwztj/t20081110_99051.htm ,查閱時間:2008/11/10。Invest in China. “1986~2007 nian waishang touzi qiye jin chukou shangpin zongzhi tongji” [1986~2007 Import & Export Statistics by FIEs]. (Accessed on November 10, 2008).
