  • 期刊


The Co-occurrence Relationships between Degree Adverbs and their Following Modified Words: Focus on '아주', '너무' , '되게'-




The co-occurrence relationships between three degree adverbs, '아주', '너무', '되게', and their modified words, were investigated in this study. Four conclusions can be derived from the research: (1) When these three degree adverbs are only used to emphasize degree, the modified words must contain the meaning of degree or state in order to form a co-occurrence relationship with degree adverbs. (2) When the modified word is a noun, combining with the affixes (-적, -롭다, -답다, -같다) with adjectival qualification or 되다, it can be used to form a co-occurrence relationship with degree adverbs. However, in this case, the degree adverb modifies the predicate derived from the noun rather than the word itself. (3) 아주has the semantic meaning of 완전히, and it means 전혀,영영, in a negative statement. In this case, the modified words that can be used to form a co-occurrence relationship with degree adverbs must be verbs or nouns that cannot be quantified in terms of strength or have telicity. (4) When너무and 되게express the maximization of the degree, the modified words must be able to evaluate the strength or amount of the degree. In this case, 너무can only be used in conjunction with a negative statement and 되게is unrestricted. Degree adverbs frequently modify adjectives, and the modified words that are not adjectives must have the grammatical qualifications that can be marked with degree or state attributes. Even modified words with these properties, however, are not suitable for all degree adverbs. The collocation relationship between modified words and each degree adverb still has to be investigated further.


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