  • 期刊


On Boris Akunin's Adventures of Erast Fandorin


1998 年任職《外國文學》雜誌副總編的契哈爾契許維里以阿庫寧為筆名出版《冬日女王》,正式邁入俄羅斯大眾文學市場,不久後便成為家喻戶曉的偵探小說家。迎合蘇聯解體後社會瀰漫的懷舊情結與閱讀大眾對輕小說的喜愛,阿庫寧以十九世紀末的俄羅斯為故事背景,融合高雅文學與低俗小說,為要求嚴格的讀者創作消遣讀物,成功塑造正直、勇敢、行動果決、重視社會道德的警探──方多林:一方面運用後現代互文性的手法,借用經典文學作品的橋段、角色並以歷史人物為本,巧妙地置入偵探小說中,建構文學歷史拼圖,提供讀者腦力激盪的樂趣;另一方面在作品中呈現悲慘、腐敗與社會不公的俄羅斯帝國,試圖打破懷舊迷思,對比十九世紀末、二十世紀初與當今俄羅斯,以過去影射現在,從歷史觀點看待似曾相識的問題,揭露自沙皇時代以來一直未能獲得解決之階級差異、種族歧視、恐怖組織等問題。此外,阿庫寧的作品也提醒當代俄國人,擺脫困境有賴成千上萬人的努力──勤奮工作、奉公守法,對國家盡責──人人都可以是方多林。


In 1998 Grigory Shalvovich Chkhartishvili, the deputy editor of magazine Foreign Literature, with his first detective novel Azazel, which was published under the pseudonym of Boris Akunin, burst onto the Russian literary scene. Soon the protagonist of Adventures of Erast Fandorin became popular and earned the author the reputation of a detective writer for intellectuals. Along with the collapse of Soviet Union, there arose the crisis of national identity and emerged nostalgia for pre-revolutionary Russia. Making the most of the prevailing nostalgic atmosphere, Akunin successfully created an intelligent, hardworking, fearless, decisive and decent sleuth who values social morals, Fandorin. While uniting the genres of detective fiction with Postmodernist aesthetics, Akunin demonstrated how miserable, corrupted and unequal was the society of "golden age" and criticized the idealization of pre-revolutionary past. Moreover, for contemporary Russians who would like to find a way of overcoming the difficulties, the honest, relying on himself and responsible Fandorin might be the ideal model.
