  • 期刊


The Development of Metaphysics on Wei-Chin Dynasties


本文主要論述魏晉時代王弼與郭象二人在中國本體論思想史上的貢獻。王弼的主要成就有二:一者是在傳統「氣化的本體觀念」之外建立一個異質性的「超越的形上本體」,二者則是提出「通理」的觀念以解釋其所謂「無」的內容。王弼跳脫中國傳統「元氣生萬物」的體用觀念,建立可以和佛教「空性」相對應的統攝現象界的形上本體觀念,同時以「萬物分殊之理背後有一可以統宗會元之理」的「通理」觀念來建立「本體界」與「現象界」統合的可能。 基於王弼的思想成就,郭象進一步提出「獨化」的觀念,將「本體」落實在「個體物性」之上,又基於王弼「通理」的觀念,將獨化之物「玄冥」於萬化之中。郭象的思想泯除了物與物之問「一多」、「總別」的差異性,為中國人接受印度傳來的佛教「空義」,以及建立「心物合一」的大格局生命觀奠定了理論的基礎。 王、郭二人在哲學上的創發不但使中國人接上了佛教哲學的發展,隋唐之後宋明理學家所主張的「宇宙人生相貫通」的大格局生命觀也同樣是受到王、郭二人的影響。


This article focuses on the topic of the metaphysics development of Wang-bi(王弼) and Kuo-hsiang(郭象) on Wei-Chin dynasties. Wang-bi made two magnificent achievements on the history of Chinese metaphysics. The first is “the transcendent Form-metaphysics”(超越理體) which is different from the tradition “Ether-metaphysics”(氣化本體). The other is the “Common reason”(通理) that combines all the respective reasons of separate matters. Before long Kuo-hsiang(郭象) made further achievement by the steps of Wang-bi. He brought up an idea of “Separation under Connection”(獨化於玄冥) that locates the noumenon on any respective substance. This idea eliminated the difference between one to plenty or part to entire. The metaphysics achievements of Wang and Kuo set up the idea of the combination with mind and matter, and push the connections between Chinese metaphysics and the “Kong”(空) idea of Buddhism.
