  • 期刊


Gross Motor Development and Physical Activity Patterns in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders


本研究旨在探討國小泛自閉症障礙(autism spectrum disorders, ASD)學生之動作技能與身體活動及其相關。研究參與者以臺灣南部7 ~ 12歲ASD學生(1 ~ 3年級,n = 21;4 ~ 6年級,n = 13)為對象。研究工具以粗大動作發展測驗第二版(Test of Gross Motor Development II, TGMD-2)及GT1M加速度計測量ASD學生的動作技能及一週身體活動。研究所得資料以曼-惠特尼U考驗(Mann-Whitney U Test)分析國小1 ~ 3年級與4 ~ 6年級ASD學生身體活動型態與動作技能之差異;以斯皮爾曼等級相關係數(Spearman's rank correlation coefficient)考驗整體國小ASD學生動作技能與身體活動之關聯性;以曼-惠特尼U考驗比較粗大動作技能分數前25%與後25%的ASD學生在身體活動上之差異。研究結果顯示:國小1 ~ 3年級ASD學生從事中等費力身體活動與中等費力以上身體活動的時間百分比顯著高於4 ~ 6年級ASD學生;兩組學生在動作技能表現上並無顯著不同;此外,所有學生不分年級,其粗大動作技能與身體活動型態未達顯著相關;而粗大動作技能表現前25%與後25%之ASD學生在身體活動上也未達顯著差異。研究結論顯示年齡對身體活動的影響,至於ASD學生動作技能和身體活動關聯性則待後續更多橫斷面及縱貫性的研究深入探討。


The purpose of this study was to examine physical activity (PA) and fundamental movement skills (FMS) in elementary school-aged children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), and to determine whether the relationship exist between PA and FMS. Children, aged 7 ~ 12 years, were divided into two grade groups (grades 1 ~ 3, n = 21; grades 4 ~ 6, n = 13). FMS performance was assessed using the Test of Gross Motor Development II (TGMD- 2) (Ulrich, 2000). PA was assessed using the GT1M accelerometer (Shalimar, Florida) for a week. Mann-Whitney U Tests were used to test significant differences between groups for various types of PA patterns and FMS performance. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient was employed to evaluate the relationship between each PA and FMS by children's grade. Mann-Whitney U Tests were also used to examine differences in various indices of habitual PA by quartiles of movement skills. The main findings were: 1. lower grade children spent significantly more percentage of time in moderate PA and moderate-to-vigorous PA than upper grade children; 2. both groups of children with ASD were not significantly different at FMS performance; 3. PA was not significantly correlated with FMS; and 4. no significant association with quartiles of motor skills and PA was found. It is concluded that youth age is a significant PA correlate in children with ASD. More longitudinal and cross sectional studies are needed to investigate the importance of PA on FMS among children.


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