  • 期刊

Factors Associated with Health-Related Physical Fitness among Junior High School Students in Taiwan



過去研究指出健康體適能是影響兒童及青少年健康以及體重過重與肥胖的重要指標,然而健康體適能與運動習慣、體重狀態、體適能態度的關係仍未明確的建立。臺灣人口集中於北部都會區,本研究目的在探索臺灣各區國中生健康體適能的城鄉差距。體適能知識、體適能態度、自我效能、運動習慣及體重等同時測量。本研究以臺灣國中生為研究對象,採分層隨機抽樣,收集1,628 份有效樣本進行描述性統計及邏輯斯迴歸分析,體適能測驗及體適能影響因子問卷於2011 年施測。研究結果顯示:只有35.6% 的樣本達到教育部訂定之體適能四項檢測項目均高於25 百分等級的健康體適標準。此外,經由邏輯斯迴歸分析發現,男性及女性學生的體重與運動習慣皆顯著影響其健康體適能。再者,體適能知識及自我效能會正向顯著地影響女學生的健康體適能,然僅有體適能態度會正向影響男學生的健康體適能。區域性的分析更發現健康體適能存在有城鄉差距,北部的女生優於東部的女生,北部的男生優於南部的男生,然而東部的男生卻優於北部的男生。因此,本研究結論建議政府重視健康體適能之城鄉差距,學校應徹底執行體育課程,並且透過課程介入方式,強化學生體適能知識、體適能態度及自我效能以養成規律運動習慣,以減少臺灣國中生肥胖比率,並提升國中生之健康體適能。


兒童 青少年 身體活動 身體組成


Several studies have suggested health-related physical fitness (HRPF) as an important health marker and closely associated with overweight and obesity among children and adolescents. However, the relationship among HRPF and exercise habits, weight status, and fitness attitude remains unclear. Thus, this study aimed to explore the possible factors, including knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy and weight status, and how these factors could affect HRPF among junior high school students in Taiwan. A total of 1,628 valid participants from 7th, 8th and 9th grades were selected based on the stratified cluster random sampling throughout Taiwan. The fitness and Affecting Factors in Physical Fitness Survey data were collected in 2011. Descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression with backward elimination were adopted to examine the significance of data. The result showed that roughly one third (35.6%) of Taiwanese junior high school students reached 4 standards of HRPF, all items are above 25th percentile. The logistic regression model revealed that the strongest relationship with HRPF was weight status, and exercise habits were significantly influenced HRPF tests among male and female students. Furthermore, knowledge and self-efficacy showed significant positive effects on HRPF among female students, while only attitude had positive influence on HRPF among male students. Results also demonstrated the urban-rural difference on HRPF. To be specific, female students from North Taiwan showed better HRPF than female students from East, while male students from East obtained better HRPF than male students from North. In addition, male students in North also exhibited better HRPF compared to male students in South. Therefore, these findings suggest that government should contemplate the urban-rural difference on HRPF, schools should enforce physical education curriculum and interventions should focus on strengthening of fitness knowledge, attitude, and self-efficacy to develop regular exercise habit to decrease the obesity rate and to further improve HRPF among junior high school students in Taiwan.


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