  • 期刊


A Study on the Interrelations among the Coaches' Leadership Behaviors, Players' Organizational Commitment, and Players' Satisfaction in Field Hockey


本研究目的在藉由理論探討與實證研究分析,以瞭解曲棍球教練領導行為、選手的組織承諾與滿意度之因果模式與相互關係。以91年度全國曲棍球協會註冊之球隊,計有社會及大專球隊14隊、高中5隊等共19隊之男、女選手為研究對象,共發出300份問卷進行施測,有效問卷216份。本研究使用之工具為教練領導行為、選手組織承諾、選手滿意度等量表。回收資料以LISREL 8.30版統計軟體進行結構方程模式的統計分析之後,本研究結論為:1.研究假設一至假設三皆獲得支持。表示教練的領導行為會正面影響選手的組織承諾;教練的領導行為會正面影響選手的滿意度;選手的組織承諾會正面影響選手的滿意度。2.從影響效果來看,以教練領導行為對選手滿意度的直接效果表現較佳為0.48。而教練領導行為及選手組織承諾此二潛在變項對選手滿意度潛在變項的影響總效果值為0.78,表示具有高的影響效果。


The purpose of this study was to examine the cause-effect model and the interrelations of the coaches' leadership behaviors, players' organizational commitment, and players' satisfaction in the realm of field hockey by means of theoretical exploration and experimental analysis. The female/male players of 19 registered teams, namely, 14 social and college hokey teams, and 5 senior high school teams, in the National Field Hokey Association, 2002, were taken as the surveyed subjects. Among the 300 questionnaires distributed to the subjects, 216 returned questionnaires were valid. The tools utilized in this research included Leadership Scale for Sport, Players' Organizational Commitment Scale, and Players' Satisfaction Scale. After conducting the SEM statistical analysis of returned data with LISREL 8.30, this study reached two conclusions. First, as hypotheses 1~3 indicated, the coaches' leadership behaviors had a positive influence on the players' organizational commitment; the coaches' leadership behaviors had a positive influence on the players' satisfaction; and the players' organizational commitment had a positive influence on players' satisfaction. Second, the influence effect showed that the coaches' leadership behaviors had a more direct influence on the players' satisfaction, 0.48. The total effect value of the two potential variables of the coaches' leadership behavior and players' organizational commitment on the potential variable of players' satisfaction was 0.78, which indicated that the influence effect was quite high.


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