  • 期刊


Achievement Analysis and Follow-up Evaluation of Implementing the Intervention in Weight Loss Program


目的:探討12週減重課程介入對肥胖指標及健康體適能的影響,並且追蹤1年後有持續參加減重課程與無持續參加減重課程兩組各項指標的差異,進而探討復胖率。方法:以26位身體質量指數(body mass index, BMI)介於27.0-34.9(kg/m^2)屬於輕度與中度肥胖之女大學生為對象,經12週減重課程介入後,比較受試者減重前後肥胖指標及健康體適能指標的變化。並追蹤1年後有持續參加減重課程與無持續參加減重課程兩組,其減重前後及1年後各項指標變化,進而探討體重復胖率問題。所得數據以重複量數單因子變異數(one-way ANOVA, repeated measures)分析減重前後及追蹤1年後各組之差異,再以least significant difference(LSD)做組間差異性比較,顯著水準訂為α=<.05),高密度脂蛋白膽固醇顯著升高(p<.05),高密度脂蛋白膽固醇顯著升高(p<0.5),屈膝仰臥起坐、坐姿體前彎、三分鐘登階指數顯著進步。追蹤減重後1年,有持續參加組除了總膽固醇及坐姿體前彎未達顯著差異外,體重、身體質量指數、腰圍及三酸甘油酯、低密度脂蛋白膽固醇皆顯著下降(p<0.5),高密度脂蛋白膽固醇顯著升高(p<0.5),屈膝仰臥起坐、三分鐘登階指數顯著進步(p<.05);而無持續參加組除了體重顯著回升及坐姿體前彎顯著退步外(p<.05),其餘項目未達顯著差異。就復胖率而言,有持續參加組7.14%低於無持續參加組的66.66%。結論:減重者確實存在高復胖率,但藉由持續參與減重課程,可有效控制體重及降低復胖率。


肥胖 健康體適能 復胖


Purpose: This study explored the intervention of a 12-week weight loss program that influenced the physio-biochemical indexes for obesity and the health-related physical fitness. Methods: 26 female university students were participated in this study, whose BMI (body mass index) values are between 27.0~34.9 (kg/m^2) and are regarded as mild and moderate obesity. After a 12-week weight loss program intervened, the changes in indexes of health-related physical fitness were compared. After one year, the changes for those students who have continued, or not to participate in such weight loss program were followed-up to study the issue of weight regain rate. One-way ANOVA was used to analyze the difference between two groups before and after weight loss, and after one year. The least significant difference (LSD) was used to make an inter group difference comparison. Results: After the weight loss program intervened, the weight, BMI, waistline, triglycerides, TC and LDL-C indexes showed a significant decrease (p<.05) except that HDL-C index showed a significant increase (p<.05). The indexes of bent-knee sit-ups, sit and reach, and 3-minute step tests showed a significant improvement. After one year, the weight, BMI, waistline and triglyceride, TC, and, LDL-C in the group continuing to participate in such program showed a significant decrease (p<.05), whereas HDL-C showed a significant increase (p<.05), and the indexes of bent-knee sit-ups, sit and reach and 3-minute step tests showed a significant improvement. However, except bent-knee sit-ups regression (p<.05), other parameters have not reached a significant difference in the other group. In terms of the weight regain rate, the group has continued to participate in such program is 7.14% which is lower than 66.66% for the other group. Conclusion: A high weight regain rate certainly existed; however, they are able to effectively control their weight and reduce the weight regain rate by continuously participating in the weight loss program.




