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Relationship Between Team Climate and Continuous Participation of Weekend Basketball League Players: The Mediating Effect of Participation Motivation




Prior research has established that team climate influences participation motivation, and the latter influences continuous participation. It can be inferred that participation motivation may have a mediating effect on the relationship between team climate and continuous participation. However, this mediating effect has not been examined with respect to weekend basketball league players in Taiwan. The purpose of this study was to explore the mediation effect of participation motivation, and propose a mediation model for verification. A total of 272 valid online questionnaires were collected from weekend basketball league players. Participation motivation, team climate, and continuous participation were measured. Since these three measures have good validity, and the sample size in the pretest (N = 85) was less than 100, the partial least squares method was used to perform confirmatory factor analysis. The results showed that the factor loading, average variance extracted, composite reliability, and discriminant validity are in line with standard values, indicating that the reliability and validity of the three scales are acceptable. Additionally, gender, age, and marital status were included in the mediation model as control variables which affect continuous participation. Results showed that common method variance (CMV) was not a significant problem. The model suitability analysis found that the measurement and structural models were appropriate. Further analysis of the path coefficients among the variables, such as participation motivation, team climate, and continuous participation, showed that the results were all significant, indicating that the three had a significant positive correlation with each other in the mediation model. For the direct, indirect, or total effects of the three paths, the explained variation ratio is calculated, and based on this, it is judged that there is a partial mediating effect. In conclusion, participation motivation has a mediating effect between team climate and continuous participation, so the team climate of the weekend basketball league players' basketball team should be improved first, and then the participation motivation. In addition, this study can also be used as a reference framework for future studies, incorporating or changing other variables to explore the identified mediating effect.


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