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TV Political Discussion and the Interaction Practice between Media and Politics: An Exploratory Study




名嘴 治理 政治實踐 電視政論


In recent years, the political talk show has become a popular genre of programming in Taiwan. Due to its popularity, a few star-like political analysts have been able to make a career out of frequent TV exposure and have earned the title of ”Ming-zui” for their participation in various programs. The study focuses on the phenomenon of Ming-zui in Taiwan and argues that its emergence as a political phenomenon can be traced back to the unique political-economic context of the electronic media in Taiwan. Behind Ming-zui is an institutionalized political practice which involves the economic requirements of the channels, the habitus of media professionals, and the mode of message transmission of the electronic media. The project argues that the Ming-zui phenomenon has given rise to two key aspects with regards to the way the electronic media interacts with politics: One is the instrumental rationalization of political persuasion as a result of the programs' rating competition; the other involves the way political practices respond to the televised political discussion to accommodate to its prevailing influence of the public opinion.


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