  • 期刊


Effects of Pre-Competition Tapering on Physiological Adaptation and Exercise Performance




訓練計劃 減量策略 運動員


Taper is typically designed as a preparation for major competition during season, which is usually considered as a part of periodization in training. Taper has been suggested to enhance exercise performance in many endurance events; however, research on effects of taper on team sports and racquet sports is limited in current literature. Strategies of tapering are mainly determined by manipulating training components such as training frequency, duration, and intensity to control training volume in addition to duration of taper. It has been suggested that low volume with high training intensity is most effective for optimal tapering and taper duration is 14 days. However, this may also depend on training status of individual athlete and types of sports events. The purpose of this brief review is to discuss the effects of pre-competition tapering on physiological adaptation and exercise performance from different training component perspectives, and provides current research evidence as well as future research directions for coaches, athletes, and exercise science professionals in season schedule planning.


training schedule taper strategy athlete


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