  • 期刊


Calorie Restriction and Exercise Retard Aging




熱量限制 運動 老化


Obesity and inactivity are main determinants of accelerating aging and increasing age-related chronic disease. Inversely, calorie restriction and exercise on retarding aging and extend life span are probably an effective antiaging strategies for human. Calorie restriction and exercise, which the beneficial effects of retarding aging, affected energy metabolisms, decreased body fat, and improved insulin sensitivity in a variety of species, including rats, mice, rhesus monkey, and humans. Even if the relationship between exercise and maximum life span is unknown, exercise can improve the quality of life and prevent the onset of chronic disease undeniably. Furthermore, the fact that calorie restriction and exercise exhibit reduced insulin, body temperature, and decline in DHEA-s may as predictors on retard aging for humans in the future.


calorie restriction exercise and aging


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