  • 期刊


The Integrated Technology of EDI over Internet Supporting Multimedia Applications: A System Study of the Collaboration Model Using SMTP and Mail Agent


電子資料交換(EDI)是在雙方或多方同意的標準下,從一個資訊系統到另一個系統,以資訊、通訊的方式傳輸結構化資料的基礎;而網際網路電子資料交換-則是以網際網路的系統架構來傳輸、支援電子資料交換的整合機制,也就是網際網路電子資料交換(EDIINT,EDI over Internet Integration),它的目的是強調整合現有多種網際網路傳輸的機制與協定及開放的交換標準,進行資料交換與傳輸。本研究針對EDIINT各方面的整合,從企業競爭力經營的角度,提出為何使用EDIINT的理由,以各種封閉、開放性質之網路及電子資料交換標準,說明其演進的過程;並從公開標準轉換和網路傳輸通訊這兩方面EDIINT之重要概念,配合上UN/EDIFACT和MIME的規格,建立一個完整的EDIINT經由Mail System來完成商業資料通訊的實證架構。同時,隨著數位浮水印影像、影訊、音訊等具商業價值的商務多媒體使用度的增加,利用EDI的標準,設計EDI和多媒體之間的連結,提供商務多媒體的服務,證實其整合上的可行性。在傳輸的過程中,同時嵌入了交換安全控管機制,對於安全的電子資料交換標準與傳輸,在UNIX和Windows的測試環境下,完成實測驗證。結果顯示了EDI Translator可以很容易地和Mail Agent及SMTP Services進行整合,並且提供雙方在安全的PGP/MIME機制下,在網際網路上傳輸交換訊息和商務多媒體資料,因此,本研究可做為電子商務系統整合的參考。


Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is defined as the corresponding standard of both or multi-communities which is used as the transferring protocol of the structured information through the electronic communication channels. However, the electronic data interchange over Internet Integration (EDIINT) is an integrated mechanism which does not only support the EDI standard but also can be used under the Internet environment. Its purpose emphasizes at the integration of many existing Internet transferring schemes and offers an open exchanging standard for the data interchange and communication. In this study, we focus at the EDIINT integration from different aspect. Besides, we provide the evidence of supporting EDIINT from the business operation point of view, examine the evolution of this standard by comparing the criterion of either the close or open property of the network and the EDI standard. Fulfilling the requirement of open transfer ring standard and network communication, we propose a complete business EDIINT approach through mail system by combining existing UN/EDIFACT and MIME format and prove its feasibility.In addition, there are increasing need for business multimedia applications such as digital watermarking image, video and audio data. To provide the interre lationship between the EDI standard and the multimedia information, our system support s the business multimedia service and confirms its capability of integration.At the stage of communication, we also encapsulate the security control mechanism. The schem e completes the actual implementation for the safe Internet business electronic data interchange and transmission under UNIX and MS' Windows testing environment. Our study shows that it is easy to integrate the EDI translator with the mail agent for SMTP service, transfer EDI strings and business multimedia under the reliable PGP/MIME protocol. Due to the speedy commercialization of the Internet and the fast prosperity of the E-commerce, we expect that our integrated technology study could behave as the reference for the development and the applications in the associated fields.


