  • 期刊


Design-Based Research on Augmented Reality Board Games in Social Studies Teaching for Senior Grades of Primary Schools


科技發展日新月異,許多新興科技不僅改變生活模式,亦為教學及學習帶來新的變革,擴增實境(augmented reality, AR)是一種虛實整合的技術,近期大量應用在各領域當中。本研究即是探討擴增實境技術在國小高年級社會領域教學現場的應用,以設計本位研究開發一套以臺灣清領時期為例的擴增實境桌遊「勇闖黑水溝」,經過專家及信效度檢核後,使用該桌遊進行教學活動,透過國小高年級學生的「學習成就測驗」、「學習態度量表」及「學習回饋單」瞭解其學習的成效。本研究為單組前後測設計,研究對象為宜蘭縣某兩所小學的原住民高年級學生40位,教學時間共80分鐘。學生於課前完成「學習成就測驗」、「學習態度量表」前測,再進行擴增實境桌遊「勇闖黑水溝」教學,最後實施後測並填答「學習回饋單」。研究結果顯示:一、本研究採用設計本位研究法,經過分析、設計、實施及評量等四個階段,有系統的設計此遊戲,過程效率高、成果佳;二、高年級學生透過擴增實境桌遊學習後,學習成就及態度後測成績皆提升,並達到顯著差異;三、學習回饋單顯示,學生喜愛桌遊的學習方式,又以擴增實境的設計是學生覺得遊戲中最有趣的地方,喜愛的學生數高達整體的75%。由此得知,擴增實境桌遊應用在國小高年級社會領域的教學,確實可以提升學生社會歷史的認知及學習態度。


With advancing scientific and technological developments, many emerging technologies have transformed human lives and brought about a new revolution, particularly in teaching and studying. The technology of augmented reality (AR) entails the integration of virtual reality, and it has been applied in various fields recently. This research explored the application of AR technology in teaching social studies to students from senior grades of primary schools. A set of AR board games focused on the Qing Dynasty-Adventures in a Black Ditch-was developed through design-based research. Teaching activities were conducted after a review by experts and after testing the reliability and validity of the board game. The learning performance was assessed through a test of learning achievements, learning attitude scale, and learning feedback sheet of students. This research adopted the research method of a single team pretest and posttest experiment. The sample population comprised 40 indigenous senior students from two primary schools in the Yilan County. The teaching time was 80 minutes. The students participated in the pretest in which their learning achievements and scores on the learning attitude scale were evaluated were evaluated before class and before the administration of the AR board game, Adventures in a Black Ditch. Finally, a posttest was conducted and a learning feedback sheet was filled in. The research results highlighted the following: 1. This research adopted the design-based research method. After the four stages of analysis, design, implementation, and evaluation, the board game was systematically designed to provide high process efficiency and good results; 2. The posttest revealed that senior students' learning performance and attitude demonstrated significant difference after learning through the AR board game; 3. The learning feedback sheet demonstrated that the students liked the board game, and the implementation of AR was identified as the most interesting component. Approximately 75% of the students liked the AR board game. Therefore, the implementation of AR board games in teaching social studies to students of senior grades of primary schools can indeed improve students' cognition of social history and learning attitude.




