  • 期刊


A Meta-Analysis of Applying Virtual Reality in Teaching on Taiwan Students' Affective and Skill Outcomes


虛擬實境(virtual reality, VR)已廣泛應用於娛樂、遊戲、醫療、訓練等領域。1990年代VR開始導入K-12及大專院校的教學,而有關探討VR學習成效的研究也開始大量發表,相關之後設分析陸續產出。國內有關VR學習成效的實徵研究大約始於2000年,至今已有超過1,700篇的相關文獻,但尚未有任何統整性的研究特別聚焦於VR對學生學習的整體影響。本研究以後設分析探討VR對學生情意及技能成效的影響。經嚴謹篩選後共有35篇研究納入本後設分析,其中35篇探討情意成效、八篇探討技能成效(有七篇同時提供兩種成效)。研究結果顯示無論是採用固定效果模式(g^+ = 0.48)或是隨機效果模式(g^+ = 0.57),VR教學的情意成效都顯著優於非VR教學。而在技能成效部分,固定效果模式顯示VR教學顯著優於非VR教學(g^+ = 0.64),但隨機效果模式發現,VR教學雖優於非VR教學(g^+ = 0.56)但未達顯著差異。此外,在情意成效的調節變項分析方面,八個變項中僅有兩個(學習階段與出版型式)達顯著效果。本後設分析提供了以累積研究為本(accumulated research-based)的數據,證實應用VR於教學對學生之情意及技能成效確實有正面的影響。研究結果對教師、未來的研究者及VR的設計者應有相當的參考價值。


Virtual reality (VR) is widely used in entertainment, games, medical treatment, employment training, and other fields. In the 1990s, VR was introduced into K'12 and higher education. Research on the effectiveness of VR learning has been widely published, and related meta-analyses have been conducted. In Taiwan, empirical research on the effectiveness of VR learning began in approximately 2000, and more than 1,700 related articles have been published, but no comprehensive research has focused on the overall impact of VR on student learning. This study explored the impact of VR on students' affective and skill outcomes. A total of 35 studies were included in this meta-analysis, of which 35 explored affective outcomes and eight explored skill outcomes (seven examined both). The results demonstrated that VR teaching was significantly more effective than non-VR teaching when either a fixed-effects model (g^+ = 0.48) or a random-effects model (g^+ = 0.57) was employed for analysis. Regarding skill outcomes, the fixed-effects model indicated that VR teaching was significantly more effective than non-VR teaching (g^+ = 0.64), whereas the random-effects model indicated that VR teaching was not significantly more effective than non-VR teaching (g^+ = 0.56). In addition, in moderating variable analysis of the affective outcome, only two of the eight variables examined (learning stage and publication type) were found to be significant. This meta-analysis provides accumulated research-based data demonstrating that the use of VR in teaching positively influences Taiwanese students' affective and skill outcomes. The results of the study will be of considerable reference value to teachers, future researchers, and VR designers.


李姿儀(2019)。VR 體驗式探究對學生學習成效和知識建構影響之研究﹝未出版之碩士論文﹞。國立臺灣師範大學。https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900404
