  • 期刊


Causes and Treatment of Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms in Dementia




Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) are the most common clinical manifestations of dementia and the most troublesome symptoms for caregivers. Despite extensive efforts on developing management strategies for BPSD for two decades, progress has been slow. Poor management of BPSD affects not only the physical health and psychosocial wellbeing of cognitively impaired patients and their caregivers, respectively, but has ethical implications in clinical and long-term care settings. Although the prevalence and consequence of BPSD is a growing concern in patients with dementia, health professionals continue to face difficulty assessing and managing BPSD symptoms. Furthermore, although nonpharmacological interventions are frequently used to manage BPSD, a lack of theoretical foundation and evidence to support these interventions often leaves professional caregivers uncertain about the course of action. To improve the quality of care in dementia, we have clarified the conceptual and operational definition of BPSD and described the four theoretical frameworks used to explain BPSD. In addition, we have examined the safety and efficacy of pharmacological and nonpharmacological interventions for BPSD, and recommended BPSD assessment and treatment principles derived from several innovative systematic care approaches. Effective BPSD management could improve the quality of life, reduce inappropriate medication use, and delay the institutionalization of patients with dementia. By sharing current knowledge, we hope to increase awareness for clinicians and provide valuable practical information for managing BPSD.


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