  • 期刊


A Nursing Experience in Applying Mouth Care to an Older Patient With Recurring Pneumonia




This article reports the nursing experience of an 86-year-old patient who was repeatedly hospitalized due to pneumonia and was placed in the care of a foreign caregiver. The care period was from February 15 to April 08, 2020, from hospitalization to the time of discharge to their home; the care discharged included 10 home visits and 7 telephone visits. The author used medical records, physical assessments, observations, and primary caregiver interviews to collect data. Gordon's 11 functional health patterns assessment was applied to assess the patient's health problems, including ineffective airway clearance, high-risk of infection due to poor oral hygiene, and poor health literacy in the caregiver. During the nursing period, the foreign caregiver was taught to assist in the case by removing respiratory secretions to maintain patency and by performing oral care and salivary gland massage twice a day (in the morning and evening) to improve the patient's oral status and reduce the incidence of pneumonia. We further taught the caregiver nursing skills for patients who were bedridden for the long term, and we designed individualized Indonesian translations of care schedules for foreign caregivers to facilitate the implementation of continual care, amelioration of health problems, and successful reduce the number of days of hospitalization. This article hopes to serve as a reference for clinical and home nurses caring for such patients.


黃純德(2017). 全身衰弱症高齡者的失落的一環: 口腔照護.長期照護雜誌,21 (3),191-201。
