  • 期刊


Changes to the Staging and Definitions of Pressure Ulcer


「壓瘡」自數千年前迄今仍普遍存在,為僅次於癌症及心血管疾病之第三大昂貴病症。臨床照護上,如何確認壓瘡與判定損傷程度是重要環節,且與日後所提供的預防與處置成效指標監測密切相關。美國國家壓瘡諮詢委員會(NPUAP) 於2016 年針對此議題進行壓瘡修訂共識會議,決議將壓瘡(pressure ulcer) 名詞變更為壓力性損傷(pressure injury),並納入醫療器材相關壓力性損傷及黏膜壓力性損傷且更新其分級系統。台灣傷口造口及失禁護理學會組成專案小組,針對此變革內容進行轉譯、討論、校正及內容整理。本文敘述壓瘡術語及定義之發展史,加入2016 年最新變革資訊,冀望全國專業健康照護人員在壓瘡照護上能依據此新知凝聚共識,與國際接軌,採用共通的語彙,提升壓瘡之臨床照護品質與效率。


壓瘡 壓力性損傷 分級系統


Pressure ulcers are a long-established condition and have the third highest treatment costs after cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Identifying this condition and determining its stages are important components of prevention and clinical care, and are relevant to the efficacy assessment of subsequent treatment measures. In the 2016 Staging Consensus Conference, the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel renamed "pressure ulcer" as "pressure injury," modified its staging definitions, and included medical device-related pressure injury and mucosal membrane pressure injury. The Taiwan Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurse Association organized a program, and translated and organized the proposed changes. The aim of this paper is to present current knowledge regarding pressure ulcers to health care professionals. We anticipate that nationwide health care professionals can reach a consensus and develop a common language with regard to caring for pressure ulcers.


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National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel. (2016a). About us. Retrieved from http://www.npuap.org/


