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Evaluating the Effects of Sending Faculty to a Foreign Country for Educational Training




From 1996 to 1998, 27 physicians who had participated in small group tutorials were recruited to join a faculty development program in the United States. Each tutor received 1 month of training in one of the following medical schools: Rochester Medical School in New York (RMS), University of Pennsylvania (UP), John Hopkins University (JHU), University of California in San Francisco, Georgetown University in Washington DC, and McMaster University. This study evaluates this staff development program by use of questionnaires and analysis of tutors’ reports. Twenty-five tutors returned their questionnaires and 20 tutors handed in their reports. Among them, 10 physicians studied at RMS, 9 at UP, 2 at JHU, and 1 at each of the other schools. The most popular activities of their programs were integrated courses (87.5%) and bed-side teaching (68.8%). They were most impressed by the teaching attitudes and skills (81.2%) expressed by the teaching staff in these medical schools, followed by the preparation of teaching materials and syllabuses (75%). Tutors thought the above 2 categories should be critically improved in their respective medical schools. They also considered that this learning experience can help them improve their teaching skills (87.5%), teaching attitude (62.5%), preparation of teaching materials (56.2%), and their interactions with students (56.2%). Twelve tutors thought that this learning experience was helpful in improving the teaching program of their own departments and to the progressive evolution of medical education at Medical School of National Taiwan University. In their reports, the tutors stated that this staff development program was very helpful in giving them a better understanding of the concepts of medical education, and in improving teaching skills and attitudes. In addition, 3 tutors reported that their own experiences had a positive influence on their colleagues’ teaching. Some of tutors began to rearrange core courses and to recompile syllabuses. However, 7 tutors felt powerless to initiate any change. All these tutors expressed a willingness to join the faculty development program again. The subjects available for further study are curriculum arrangement and compilation of teaching materials and syllabuses. In summary, tutors were very positive towards the faculty development program. They also had received positive feedback from their department and colleagues Their experiences from these foreign medical schools stimulated continuing efforts to rearrange some curricula and to recompile teaching materials and syllabuses in their medical schools.
