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Inpatients' Needs for Hospital Quality Report Cards


本研究旨在探討住院病人使用醫院品質報告卡的意願、認為適合台灣地區醫院品質報告卡的指標內容及其較信任主導推行的機構。 本研究採用調查研究法,以結構式問卷收集研究所需的資料,立意選取台北縣市五家地區(含)級上醫院,於研究期間住院中意識清醒、願意接受面訪且年滿20歲以上的490位內外科住院病人為研究對象。 研究發現訪者當中,有88.4%受訪者表示看病之前一定會或可能會先參考此類資訊;受訪者最需要的品質資訊排名前五名,依序為院內感染率、住院病人整體滿意度、住院死亡率、門診病人整體滿意度及15天內再住院率;37.8%的受訪者認為由衛生署統籌發行較具可靠性;37.8%受訪者希望能以小手冊方式得到資訊。 建議行政院衛生署可考慮主導,將住院病人最迫切需要的五項醫院品質報告卡的指標,以小手冊或網際網路查詢的方式對外公乏,期能透過醫院資訊的流通,促進醫療服務提供者提升品質及保障民眾就醫權益。


The purposes of this study were to search the literature related to hospital report cards, to explore inpatients’ willingness to utilize hospital report cards, to understand the quality indicators that are seen as important by hospitalized patients and to realize their preferences in an initiative to organize such report cards. This study used survey research and structured questionnaires to collect data. The study sample was 500 hospitalized patients from 3 regional and 2 district hospitals. Qualified patients needed to be over 20 years old, conscious, and willing to be interviewed. The study sample consisted of 490 inpatients. Among the sampled patient, 88.4% of respondents would definitely or might possibly use the information on such hospital report cards. The quality indicators patients regarded as significant are the hospital infection rate, inpatient overall satisfaction, mortality rate, outpatient overall satisfaction , and the rate of readmission within 15days. A total of 37.8% of the respondents indicated that government is the most trusted organization for the production of hospital report cards. In addition, 37.8% of the respondents preferred to have the information in the form of a pamphlet. We recommend that the Department of Health should initiate hospital report cards in order to improve the quality of medical care and to assure patients rights. The five most important indicators that need to be included, based on the respondents replies, are the hospital infection rate, inpatient overall satisfaction, mortality rate, outpatient overall satisfaction, and the rate of readmission within 15 days and the information should be published as a pamphlet or on a website. (Full text in Chinese)




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