  • 期刊

赤帶薊馬("Selenothrips rubrocinctus")對荔枝葉片之危害與殺蟲劑藥效測試

Damage of Red Banded Thrips ["Selenothrips rubrocinctus" (Giard)] on Litchi Leaves and Efficacy Tests of Some Insecticides


赤帶薊馬為廣布於世界熱帶與亞熱帶地區的多食性害蟲,有危害可可、腰果、芒果、酪梨、番石榴等多種果樹紀錄,本研究則為首次於台灣報導赤帶薊馬危害荔枝紀錄。嘉義地區於2014年7月至11月間持續溫暖、乾燥天候環境適於赤帶薊馬大量發生,並於當年11月於農業試驗所嘉義農業試驗分所荔枝園觀察到「黑葉」、「糯米糍(73-S-20)」、「台農3號(玫瑰紅)」、「台農5號(紅寶石)」、「台農7號(早大荔)」等商業品種的葉片受赤帶薊馬危害,使葉片上表皮與中肋具青銅色斑駁狀危害食痕。赤帶薊馬喜愛取食荔枝葉片中肋附近組織,使受害區域細胞皺褶畸形甚至失去組織排列秩序。研究利用浸葉餵食法分別以40.8%陶斯松EC稀釋1,000×、50.0%芬殺松EC稀釋1,000×、2.4%第滅寧SC稀釋1,500×、85.0%加保利WP 稀釋850×及40.46%加保扶SC稀釋1,000×處理24 h後,均能使赤帶薊馬若蟲及成蟲死亡率達到100%。因此,依荔枝果園慣行病蟲害管理與枝梢養護,應可避免赤帶薊馬造成嚴重危害。


薊馬 赤帶薊馬 荔枝 殺蟲劑 毒效


Red banded thrip ("Selenothrips rubrocinctus") is a polyphagous pest widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions in the world. The thrip attacks various fruit trees such as cacao, cashew, mango, avocado, and guava in certain habitats. In this study, we first recorded the infestation of red banded thrips on litchi in Taiwan. We observed the damage on leaves of 'Hak Ip', 'No Mai Tsz (73- S-20)', 'Tainung No. 3 (Rose Red)', 'Tainung No. 5 (Ruby)', and 'Tainung No. 7 (Early Big)' litchis in the orchard at Chiayi Agricultural Experiment Station of Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute in November, 2014, after a warm and dry period in almost half of year. Surface of infested litchi leaves, especially nearby the midrib, showed bronzing and patched necrosis. Upper epidermis and mesophyll in damage tissues are shriveled, distorted and even disorganized. We also tested toxicity of 5 insecticides, including 40.8% chlorpyrifos EC (1,000× dilution), 50.0% fenthion EC (1,000× dilution), 2.4% deltametrin SC (1,500× dilution), 85.0% carbaryl WP (850× dilution), and 40.46% carbofuran SC (1,000× dilution) to red banded thrips in the study. All the insecticides killed 100% larva and adults of thrips within 24 h after leaf-dip assays. Our results suggest that massive occurrence of red banded thrips can be avoided under conventional pest management.
