  • 期刊


A Study on Home Court Advantage of the Major League Baseball


本研究主要目的是在探討實施主客場賽制的職業運動聯盟之主場優勢,並以美國職棒大聯盟(MLB)中30支職業球隊於2001至2007年球季間,共34,020場比賽結果為研究分析資料,利用描述性統計、卡方檢定等統計方法進行資料分析,研究結果如下:1.美國職棒大聯盟(MLB)整體而言確實存在著主場優勢,且主客場戰績間達顯著差異;2.美國職棒大聯盟中,美國聯盟(AL)與國家聯盟(NL)皆有主場優勢,且兩者在主客場戰績上皆達顯著差異;3.美國職棒大聯盟30支球隊主場戰績皆優於客場戰績,且其中有28支球隊(93%)達主場優勢之標準;4.美國職棒大聯盟整體而言,在季後賽仍有主場優勢存在;5.美國職棒大聯盟中,美國聯盟與國家聯盟在季後賽依然有主場優勢存在;6.美國職棒大聯盟球隊在世界大賽(World Series)中也擁有主場優勢,且其主場優勢更較例行賽與季復賽明顯。根據研究結果發現,在主場打球擁有許多優勢,甚至對於在世界大賽能否奪冠更具有決定性的影響,因此球隊應儘量打好例行賽中的每一場主場比賽,取得季後賽較佳的種子地位,以為世界大賽爭取到更有利的奪冠因素。


The major objective of this study is to discuss the home court advantage of professional sports leagues that uses a home/away system, and the following conclusions have been reached through analysis of the results of the 34,020 games played between the thirty professional Major League Baseball (MLB) teams over the seasons from 2001 to 2007 by means of the descriptive statistics, chi-square tests, and other statistical methods: 1. On the whole, the home court advantage does exist in the MLB games, and the performances on the home courts and away courts are sharply different. 2. In the MLB, both the American League (AL) and the National League (NL) have their home court advantage, and both show significant difference between their performances on the home courts and those on the away courts. 3. All the thirty MLB teams accomplish better feats on their home courts than on the away courts, and judging from their performances, twenty eight of them (93%) may be considered as having taken advantage of the home court. 4. So far as the MLB is concerned, the home court advantage persists till the playoffs. 5. In the MLB, the AL and NL retain their home court advantage even in the playoffs. 6. The MLB teams also have their home court advantage in the World Series. Here the influence of home court advantage is more obvious than in the season and playoffs. The result of the study reveals that on the home court, a team enjoys a lot of advantages, which even serve as the decisive factors for winning the championship, and therefore, each team should exert themselves in each home court game of the season to win a better seeded place for the playoffs so as to strive for more favorable factors to win in the World Series.




