  • 期刊


Teaching Practice Experience of Integrating Gender Equality Education Issues Into Physical Education Courses




Since the Gender Equity Education Act was enacted in Taiwan, education at all levels has begun to promote gender equity education and integrated its issues into general curricula. In comparison with other fields, however, physical education is rather deficient with respect to gender equality education issues. The purpose of this article is to attempt to integrate gender equality education issues into physical education courses and bring it into the teaching scene. Its approach is to add students' own ideas into the teaching design process, and then add elements of design thinking to the pedagogical approach. This culminates in the design of a 6-week course, including themes such as: (1) the power of emancipation and being myself; (2) it is not about men and women, but about equality and freedom; (3) empathize with each other, think from each other's perspective; (4) narrow the focus and confirm the plan; (5) prototype presentation, verification, and feedback; (6) foster growth and renewal in one's self. The conclusion of this article is that educators can influence students by guiding them to think through the courses and internalize and implement the concept of gender equality in their lives.


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