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Government-Linked Companies and State-Business Relations in Singapore


本文認爲政聯企業的建立牽涉人民行動黨政府鞏固權力的過程,以及新加坡敏感的族群議題。新加坡政府最初所以建立政聯企業,是因爲對新移民華人社群的猜忌以及本地企業規模的限制,轉而利用政府自身力量推動工業化與經濟成長,並透過提供社會服務獲得政治支持。一九八五年經濟衰退以及人民行動黨的支持率下降,使得新加坡政府透露願意改變對於本地企業的看法,積極推動各項計劃以及區域化策略,培植有潛力的本地企業。儘管如此,政聯企業強調利益導向,故仍然擁有龐大的競爭力,並且在官僚內部形成複雜的董監事連結。對於本地企業而言,政聯企業一方面排擠了本地企業的市場;另一方面則促成本地企業跳脫傳統華人家族企業模式,學習政聯企業朝向專業化的公司治理。 在研究方法上,本文認爲經濟活動是鑲嵌在特定的歷史情境與社會條件之中。所以,除了描述新加坡政聯企業的結構及影響,本文進一步檢視政聯企業背後的政經脈絡,包括族群議題、政經情勢以及政治菁英的抉擇等。再者,不同於傳統將新加坡政聯企業與具有華人家族企業模式的本地企業分開討論,本文探討新加坡政聯企業對於本地企業的運作模式及思維的影響,更爲完整的檢視新加坡的經濟運作。 東亞國家的發展路徑經常被認爲呈現著發展型國家的特徵。新加坡與這些國家都具有高度的國家相對自主性,但是不同於其他發展型國家偏重透過政商間建立制度性協商機制來形塑產業政策,新加坡的經濟發展模式卻是獨特地偏重政聯企業,而鮮少仰賴私人資本。規模龐大的政聯企業成爲國家權力在市場活動中最直接的先鋒,也成爲國家權威跨過了政策規範的角色,進而成爲市場行動者的具體力量。新加坡政府藉由淡馬錫控股與諸多政聯企業有效主導國家產業政策與資本市場。政聯企業的形成背後又聯繫著新加坡建國以來特殊的政經運作與歷史脈絡。


Like many East and Southeast Asia countries, Singapore has the similar developmental approach, especially in his strong state autonomy. But compared to other countries, the number and size of government-linked companies (GLCs, or state-owned enterprises) are larger than any other countries in its neighborhood regions. Singapore government highly relies on GLCs, but not local enterprises, to promote its economic growth and capital market. The development of GLCs is embedded Singapore political and economic context. Based on the assumption that economic activities might link with specific historical and environmental conditions, this paper would not only analyze GLCs structures and operations, but also discuss the political and economic reasons that Singapore government must format lots of GLCs. Furthermore, because both GLCs and local enterprises are part of Singapore economy, we cannot discuss the influence of GLCs without thinking about the change of local enterprises operations. These research methods will help us illustrate the whole picture of GLCs and their change. The development GLCs involve that the political elites of People's Action Party (PAP) how to consolidate their power, and sensitive ethnic issues. After independence, Singapore government distrust Chinese and their community and local enterprises is not large enough to support national industrialization plans, so political elites recognize that if Singapore must rely on government capacity to promote industrialization and economic growth. In the 1980's, Singapore government faced the challenges economic recession and lower support rates. Therefore, PAP elites change their attitude toward local enterprises, and they try to foster promising local enterprise, formulate regionalization policy and many kinds of support strategies. But government strategies seems useless for local enterprises and GLCs still be unbeatable. It is because GLCs emphasize interest-orientation, and these government enterprises have sufficient resource, information access, and government endorsement. These advantages strongly increase GLCs competitiveness and crowd many local enterprises out rising business opportunities. Furthermore, the pressure of GLCs performance enforce local enterprises to replace Chinese family business model with professionalized directorships and senior managers.


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