  • 期刊


Life Stories of Chen Jia-Ling-Gold Medal Winner in Women's Boxing


本研究主要探討亞洲金牌女子拳擊國手陳嘉玲,為我國榮得優秀的成績,其背後的故事值得我們探索,內容包含其生命的起承轉合、投入拳擊訓練的背景與過程,以及訓練歷程中常面臨的問題及解決策略,期望能呈現出有關研究個案-陳嘉玲拳擊生命之整個歷程。故本研究採以質性研究的方法,除了藉由深度訪談與文件分析資料的蒐集外,更於每次訪談後撰寫研究者日誌。並於前述資料蒐集後,經編碼與主題分類進行資料分析,並且以三角檢證、同儕檢核與說明研究者立場等方式提高本研究的信效度。 本研究結果歸納如下: 一、陳嘉玲的拳擊生命歷程 (一)小學時期:純真童年的快樂,孕育著拳擊生涯的一粒種子。 (二)中學時期:一步跆拳道,一堂國術課,步出拳擊的基石。 (三)大學時期:熱愛與執著,踏出繽紛多姿的拳擊舞台。 (四)對未來的期許:活出身為拳擊人的自信與謙虛,是下一步要做的功課。 二、陳嘉玲在拳擊訓練的心路歷程方面,遇到的困境有: (一)身為一位女子拳擊手,改變他人對女性的刻板印象比訓練歷程來的辛苦。 (二)痛苦的不是在拳擊訓練中的苦熬,而是站在拳擊台上發現自己的實力不足。 (三)觀察到現實環境的無奈,曾經對於是否要堅持走拳擊這條路產生了疑慮。 三、在拳擊訓練歷程下,陳嘉玲所採取的問題解決策略包含幾項: (一)心理調適與情緒管理的方法,包含平日訓練心理調適、臨場前心理調適以及平日的情緒管理方法。 (二)有效學習拳擊的方式,包含與教練學習拳擊的方法與同儕學習拳擊的方法。 (三)自我訓練模式的方法,包含平日自我訓練方法與賽前自我訓練方法。


The purpose of the study is to discuss the life stories of Chen Jia-Ling, the national champion and the gold medal winner at the Asian Women's Boxing Championship. She achieved great success for our country. The story behind the gold medal is worth discussion, including introducting about her life, background and process of boxing training, problems during training and the solution strategies. The study is expected to present a whole story about our case-Chen Jia-Ling's boxing life. Therefore, the study conducted a qualitative research not only by collecting records of in-depth interview and analysis data, but also a researcher's journals being written after each interview. After collecting data and materials, the researcher coded and categorized those data for analysis, as well as used methods such as triangulation, peer review and explanation of researcher stance to increase credibility and validity of this study. The result of study is concluded as follow: 1. Chen Jia-Ling's Boxing Life: 1) Elementary school period: happy life in innocent childhood cultivated a future boxing star. 2) High school period: courses of kickboxing and martial arts became the cornerstone of boxing. 3) University period: affection for and persistence in boxing created a colorful stage for Chen. 4) Future expectation: next step is to become confident and modest as being a boxer. 2. Plights she met during boxing training: 1) As a female boxer, changing stereotypes of women is harder than boxing training. 2) It is not the boxing training which makes her suffer; instead, it is the fact that Chen found her capability insufficient to compete with others at the ring making her suffer. 3) Having taken reality into consideration, she had confused whether to keep on boxing or not. 3. In the course of boxing training, she adopted solution strategies as follow: 1) Approaches to psychological adjustment and emotional management include everyday training in psychological adjustment, learning psychological adjustment before contest and everyday training in emotional management. 2) Methods to effective learning of boxing include measures to learn boxing from instructor and with peers. 3) Approaches of self-training include everyday training and training before contest.




