  • 期刊


The Effect of Paternalistic Leadership on Motivation and Enjoyment of Physical Education Class in Junior High School Students


家長式領導是東方文化中常見的領導風格,它是一種像父親一樣的領導風格,包含了強烈的威嚴、關懷體諒以及道德模範的成分。本研究檢驗家長式領導、體育課參與動機以及體育課樂趣之間的關係,並探索不同動機型態的中介角色。本研究以358 位國中學生為樣本,填寫相關量表後,以Preason積差相關及階層迴歸進行統計分析。研究結果顯示仁慈和才德領導都與體育課樂趣和高自我決定動機型態有關,而威權領導也能預測體育課樂趣和無動機;此外,本研究也發現學生知覺的教師領導風格和體育課樂趣受到不同動機型態的中介,整體而言,仁慈和才德領導會透過提升高、低自主動機而影響體育課樂趣,而威權領導則會相反地降低高自主動機、提高無動機,進一步影響體育課樂趣。研究結果符合文獻及理論預期。未來研究在探討體育教師的領導行為時,可採家長式領導模式做進一步應用。


威權 仁慈 才德 自我決定理論 自主動機


Paternalistic leadership is a prevalent leadership style in Eastern cultures, which is defined as fatherly leadership that combines strong authority with concern and considerateness. This study examined the relationships among paternalistic leadership, participation motivation, and enjoyment in physical education class; besides, it examined the mediating effect of motivation styles on the relationships between leadership and enjoyment. Three hundred and fifty eight junior high school students completed the survey. Pearson's correlation and hierarchical regression analysis were conducted. Bivariate correlation analyses showed that benevolent leadership and moral leadership were positively related to enjoyment and autonomy motivation, where as authoritarian leadership negatively predicted enjoyment and positively predicted amotivation. In addition, the link between students' perceived leadership styles and enjoyment in physical education class was mediated by different types of motivation. In general, benevolent leadership and moral leadership influenced enjoyment through the pathways of autonomy motivation. By contrast, authoritarian would decrease autonomy motivation and increase amotivation, which in turn influenced enjoyment in physical education. The results in the present study confirmed findings reported in the research literature. Future research should consider paternalistic leadership as an alternative approach when investigating teachers' leadership in physical education.


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