  • 期刊


The Conceptualization and Delivery of Employment-Related Family Support Services for Individuals with Disabilities: Taichung City as the Example




身心障礙 家庭支持 就業


Enhancing the employment capacity and opportunities of individuals with disabilities has been emphasized in the development of disability policy. Supported employment options enable individuals with significant support needs to become employed in the community. However, the family plays an important role in determining the employment outcomes of individuals with disabilities. Taichung City granted two research projects in 2011 and 2012 to understand how families support their family members with disabilities in the employment process and what families need to enhance their supportive capability. The research integrated the data collected from focus groups of the two research projects in order to conceptualize the employment-related family support services, as well as to analyze the challenges regarding the service delivery. The results indicated the characteristics of employment-related family support services from different perspectives, and delineated the support demanded by families as well as the support supplied by the practitioners. In addition, the challenges in terms of institution and practice were analyzed. Suggestions were followed to improve the service delivery systems.


disability family support employment


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