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Effectiveness of Applying Interactive Response System Based on Error Pattern Information: A Case Study on Calculus Courses


微積分是許多大學科系的必修課程,主要是介紹基本的數學概念和計算方法,由於題材豐富且涵蓋多元的計算技巧,部分學生會感到學習困難而失去學習動機,造成進度落後導致學習成效不佳。本研究運用錯誤類型(error pattern)資訊建置即時反饋系統(Interactive Response System, IRS)測驗題庫,融入微積分教學作為形成性評量(formative assessment),以增進學生學習意願並提升學習成效。本研究採用Kahoot!作為即時反饋系統,研究對象為某私立大學跨科系四個班級修習微積分(一)課程共217位學生,研究流程為先運用錯誤類型資訊編製Kahoot!試題,教師依教學進度於課堂適時施測,再以問卷調查和期中與期末考成績蒐集學生回饋資料,最後針對量化與質性資料進行分析處理,獲得研究結果為:一、應用錯誤類型資訊編製IRS題庫,能有效引導學生修正錯誤概念。二、以IRS作為形成性評量,能促進學生於學習態度的正向改變。本研究亦提供具體的建議方案,可作為相關學者進行研究以及有意運用IRS融入教學的教師參考。


Calculus is the required course in most universities and covers basic mathematical concepts and calculation methods. Nevertheless, as a result of its abundant content and diverse calculation techniques, some students find calculus complicated and difficult to understand, and thus lose motivation to learn. This lack of motivation causes many students to fall behind schedule and perform poorly in learning. This investigation applies an Interactive Response System (IRS) based on error pattern information to calculus teaching as a method to improve student learning motivation. The IRS Kahoot! method was adopted and used among 217 students in a Calculus (I) course at a private university. First, investigators edited Kahoot! test questions based on error pattern information and then administered the test questions to the students according to a teaching schedule. Second, after administering the test questions to the students, investigators collected the data from the test questions and a questionnaire survey. Finally, investigators used quantitative and qualitative analyses to examine the collected data. Results indicated that (1) applying the IRS Kahoot! test questions based on error pattern information can effectively guide students to correct their misconceptions and (2) using Kahoot! IRS as a formative assessment method can positively affect students' learning attitudes. Finally, several suggestions for research and teaching are presented.


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