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Development of a questionnaire of resilience and a survey of the status of resilience of medical worker -example from a regional hospital in southern Taiwan


目的:本研究主要自編一份具有信效度且容易使用的復原力問卷,用以調查醫療人員之復原力現況。方法:以普查方式調查台灣南部某區域教學醫院全體員工,職類橫跨醫師、護理師、醫事人員、行政人員。同時亦蒐集參與者的年齡、工作年資、學歷等人口學變項。復原力的測量主要使用自編之「醫療人員復原力量表」,並使用驗證性因素分析、內部一致性檢驗,分析其信效度。結果:驗證性因素分析發現「醫療人員復原力量表」在樣本醫院的樣本具備良好的模式適配度(GFI=0.973),且Chrombach's alpha係數為0.91,顯示其信效度良好。本研究發現年資較高、學歷較高的員工,復原力總分亦較高。此外,性別與工作年資在復原力總分上具有交互作用,在工作年資三~五年的員工中,女性的復原力總分低於男性。結論:本研究發展了一份具有信效度且適用於醫療人員的復原力問卷,且發現復原力在特定年資、性別族群較為脆弱,需要額外關注。


醫療人員 復原力


Objective: The aim of this study is to develop a feasible and valid questionnaire and to assess the resilience of medical staff. Methods: All employees in the hospital were requested to complete the resilience scale, and demographic questions including gender, age, years of service, and the work division. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis and internal consistency analysis. The description statistics and ANOVA were used to examine the influence of demographic variables on resilience. Results: There were 829 participants completed the study. The confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the responses of the employees in the hospital fit the proposed questionnaire construct. The GFI was 0.973, which indicated a good model fit. Chronbach's alpha was 0.91, indicating a good internal consistency. We also found that interaction effects between work year and gender on resilience. In the group of work year between 3-5 years, resilience was better among the male group. Conclusions: This study developed a feasible and reliable questionnaire to assess the resilience of employees in the hospital. Moreover, this study indicates that some population may be more vulnerable in resilience and need more attention.


medical worker resilience


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