  • 期刊


A Study of a Patient Safety Reporting System




Objectives: This study investigated the operation and current status of the patient safety reporting system in a teaching hospital. Methods: A teaching hospital was purposefully chosen as the study subject. This exploratory study was a qualitative one in which data were collected from in-depth interviews (n=5) and focus groups (n=43) from July to September 2007 for a total of 48 participants. Results: By using thematic analysis of the responses from the in-depth interviews and focus groups, we extracted seven themes: functions of the reporting system, reporting procedures, approaches to quality improvement, leadership and organizational culture, managers' roles, barriers to reporting, and feedback mechanisms. Barriers to reporting incidents in the hospital were (1) Staff were too busy to suspend or terminate their work at once and were unable to report incidents immediately. (2) Reporters were afraid of being blamed by their colleagues or managers and of facing the consequences of reporting. Such pressures made them unwilling to report. (3) Staff were afraid of the medical disputes resulting from incidents. (4) The values and attitudes of staff make themselves not to report incidents. (5) There was insufficient understanding of the reporting system. Conclusions: Managers' protection of reporters is vital when encouraging staff to report incidents as most staff are afraid of being punished. If managers believed that they should protect reporters, then that would promote the use of the reporting system.


Reporting System Patient Safety Case Study


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