  • 期刊


野上彌生子的台灣觀點研究─以〈台灣〉為探討中心─|Discussion of Yaeko Nogami's perspectives on Taiwan-Based on the Taiwan




野上彌生子於1935年接受旅居台灣的日本友人一殖民官員的夫人一之邀,帶著長子前來參加日本統治台灣四十週年慶祝活動。當所搭乘的「蓬萊九」接近基隆的時候,彌生子發出「有一種千里尋覓之後,終於看到房子門柱的一種令人安心與懷舊的戚覺」的一份感動。然而在往後的20天的旅程中,原本的安堵與懷舊的情感,因經歷各種相遇與交流之後,被迫轉為面對現實,開始興起了諸多新的思考。其中包括,透過在蕃界的所見所聞,而開始對總督府理蕃政策產生疑問。另外,也發現內地人通常不會到大稻埕、龍山寺等本島人所居住的區域;在南部也曾經遇到在婦女團體的餐會上,舉目所望都是日本婦女,熟識的相關的台灣女性都未獲邀請。另外,台灣某名人談到自己的故鄉時指的是大陸某省…等等。由這些經歷,彌生子很自然地體悟到內地人與台灣人之間有極大的隔閡,台灣並未完全地日本化。除此之外,彌生子對於內地人在台灣經濟狀況不佳的狀況,以及婦女該有的舉止、思想等等也都一一提出針貶之言。|In 1935, Yaeko Nogami accepted the invitation from her Japanese friends, who were living in Taiwan at that time, to attend the fortieth anniversary ceremony of Japan's rule over Taiwan. She came to Taiwan with her oldest son. When her ferryboat, the Houraimaru, approached the port of Keelung in Taiwan, Yaeko got excited and said: "It is like you came all the way from a distant place and you finally found house's gatepost, and at that moment, you just had a sense of security, and the nostalgia just came flooding in". But, during the next twenty days'journey, after various encounters and personal experiences, Yaeko was forced to face reality, which led to many new ways of thinking. This included what she saw and heard in the aboriginal community. Yaeko began to question the Governor-General's aboriginal policy. Also, Yaeko was aware that the Japanese people did not want to visit the local areas --Dadautsun, Longshan Temple and other areas where the local Taiwanese resided. When she travelled to the south, at a women's dinner party, all the attendees were Japanese women, while the Taiwanese women, who were friends of these Japanese women, were not invited. And at another party, a celebrity figure of Taiwan stated that his hometown is a province of mainland China. From these experiences, Yaeko realized that there was a great gap between the Japanese and the Taiwanese people which could only mean that Japan did not completely and successfully rule Taiwan. In addition, Yaeko also made a statement about the poor economic situation of the Japannese people in Taiwan, and of the behaviors and thoughts of women.


