  • 期刊


On The Origin of The Stories in Tao-Xian Ye's Chai He Jing Yuan: How Classic Chinese Novels Were Rewritten in Taiwan Under Japanese Rule




This article examines the origin of the stories in Tao-Xian Ye's Chai He Jing Yuan, from which we can have some understanding about how classic Chinese novels were rewritten in Taiwan under Japanese rule. Chai He Jing Yuan is not an original work; Tao-Xian Ye wrote it by imitating the style as well as the content of many classic Chinese novels. In this way, Chai He Jing Yuan inherits many characteristics of those classic Chinese novels. On the other hand, it cannot get rid of many drawbacks of rewriting classic novels in Qing dynasty. For example, the use of words is out of fashion, and there are doubts of imitation and plagiarism. Among many rewritten novels in Taiwan, Chai He Jing Yuan has as its target of imitation the most classic novels. Thus we can know something about the how classic Chinese novels in Qing dynasty were read by Taiwanese people under Japanese rule. The most important contribution of this paper is to provide profound insights into the development of Taiwanese novels during Japanese rule.


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賴松輝,〈日據時期台灣小說思想與書寫模式之研究(1920-1937)〉,成功大學 中文系博士論文,2002 年7 月。
王韜,《甕牖餘談》,全國各大書局,1935 年5 月。
王韜,《筆記小說大觀十三甕牖餘談》,江蘇:廣陵古籍出版社,1984 年4 月。
王韜,《淞隱漫錄》,北京市:人民文學出版社,1983 年8 月。


