  • 期刊


After Yong-Ming, before Palace: Study on Early Liang Poets' Followers and Poetry Style




齊梁 永明 宮體 詩品 文學傳論


When we discuss the evolution of poetry during the Six Dynasties, we may think of the remarkable Yong-Ming poetry from the Qi Dynasty and Palace poetry from the Liang Dynasty. However, in the period between Yongming and Palace genre formation, many poets were keeping on creating, and further forming the unique poetic style in the literary world. In "Shi Pin" and "Wen Xue Chuan Lun", or "Yu Xiang Wang Dong Shu", these authors all mentioned that the Chinese literary world viewed Xie Lingyun, Bao Zha, Xie Tiao, etc. as the leaders and followed their literary style in that era. Therefore, we could know that the impact of the Yuanjia genre and Yongming genre still making influence, but the poetic world is going to embrace a brand-new appearance. As a result, the purpose of this paper is to discuss literary styles and features from the poets such as Shen Yue, Wu Jun, Wang Yun, Liu Yun, He Xun, and Liu Xiaoch, who has adequate poems in that period and also try to study the previous poets they followed. On literary taste, they especially appreciate Xie Lingyun, Bao Zhao, Xie Tiao's literary style, on writing skills, they learned Bao Zhao and Xie Tiao's literary techniques to depict the scene and symbolize objects. Although they may be the one that Pei Ziye and Zhong Rong called, 'Qing Bo Zhi Tu', which means they are frivolous and come from noble families in Chinese, they still became mainstream in the literary world of the Liang Dynasty.


呂光華:《南朝貴遊文學集團研究》,(臺北:國立政治大學中國文學研究所博士論文,1990 年)。(DOI:10.30406/JCA.199902_(52).0010)
(西漢)劉安:《淮南子》(北京:中華書局,1989 年)。
(漢)班固:《漢書》(北京:中華書局,1962 年)。
(劉宋)范瞱:《後漢書》(北京:中華書局,1965 年)。
