  • 期刊


Becoming Migrants: Migration Motility Among Taiwanese Young Workers in Developing Transnational Career


近年來臺灣人遷移國外工作人數持續成長,幾項重要發展有待研究者提出系統性解釋。第一,30歲以下的出國工作者人數在2011年後一直都是出國工作人口中成長最為快速的群體。第二,具大專教育程度者是最主要群體。第三,30歲以下的工作者,其目的地更為多元。為了探討觸發年輕人遷移動機、選擇目的地以及落實遷移的過程,受到哪些因素影響,本文以大約2010年以後分別到中國與日本工作、具大學學歷的年輕工作者為研究對象。主要資料來自於2015-2019年間在中國與日本針對具有大專學歷之年輕遷移者所進行的深度訪談。本文採取的研究觀點著重遷移者透過近用遷移機會(access to mobility)得以培養遷移潛力(migration motility)的過程,將個人與特定國家作為職涯發展的目的地連結起來。本文有以下幾項主要發現:一,愈來愈多當代臺灣年輕人於大學期間,藉由參與跨國交流觸發遷移的動機。二,數位化的國際求職聘僱平臺,增強了臺灣年輕人的遷移潛力,得以落實出國發展職涯的行動。三、上述兩項機制在中國、日本與臺灣之間最為活躍,因此成為這波臺灣年輕人赴國外工作主要目的地之一。總結而言,移往海外工作的臺灣人,受到大學教育環境以及就業機制國際化的影響,逐漸培養了遷移潛力進而學習成為遷移者。


There has been a significant increase in the number of Taiwanese working abroad. This article identifies three important aspects for further investigations. First, the age group of 30 and under grew fastest as compared to other age groups. Second, a great majority of migrants working outside Taiwan are college-educated or above. Third, young migrants go to a much more diverse list of destination countries. This article presents findings based on in-depth interviews with Taiwanese young college-educated workers in China and Japan, conducted between 2015 and 2019. This article argues that the influence of access to mobility triggers people to become potential migrants by acquiring motivations, channels, and resources to facilitate migration, a process of accumulating motility. Major findings include the following. First, increasingly, young college graduates acquire aspirations to migrate abroad for career development through international exchanges opportunities provided by universities. Second, digitalized recruitment platform has become more and more diverse and available to potential migrants to utilize for realizing the migration intentions. Third, the above-mentioned mechanisms are found to be more active in linking Taiwanese young people with China and Japan. Consequently, these two countries become major magnets for attracting young workers from Taiwan. These findings could further our understanding of youth migration that has occurred in many parts of regions.


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