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An analysis of Health and Well-being Industries for Senior Citizens: The Lessons of Japanese Experience to Taiwan


本文針對日本的銀髮族健康養生產業作分析,期望透過對日本銀髮族健康養生產業發展脈絡之爬梳,提出對台灣未來銀髮族健康養生產業發展策略之參考。本文作為一個案報告,將日本銀髮族健康養生產業之梗概向國內讀者介紹,兼論日本銀髮族消費族群之特性。此外,本文亦比較台灣銀髮族健康養生產業之現況,及未來可能發展之潛力產業項目。本文運用文獻分析方法(document analysis)及比較研究方法(comparative study method),期望能為國內銀髮健康養生產業的擘畫,提供日本的相關經驗。本文的代結論指出,參照日本之經驗,國內相關產業發展缺乏詳細的需求調查及具體產值分析研究,建議未來可透過專家焦點團體方法聽取國內高齡健康養生產業實務界人士之想法與意見,為「銀色經濟」的發展作中長期規劃。


銀髮族 健康養生 日本


This paper analyses the health and well-being industries for the senior citizens in Japan, and thereby, for the future, proposes possible strategies for developing "silver economy" in Taiwan. As a case report, this article aims to introduce the health and well-being industries in Japan for Taiwanese readers, as well to describe the Japanese senior consumers' features. In addition, in this article, contemporary health and well-being industries in Taiwan and their potential advances are mentioned, too. In order to analyse this theme, I adopt document analysis and comparative study method in this article. The alternative conclusions enunciate that more specific study for understanding the needs of senior consumers and the output of health and well-being industries in Taiwan is inevitable. For developing silver economy in Taiwan, in the long-run, it is necessary to obtain practical ideas from opinion leaders in various industries through focus group method.


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