  • 期刊


The Effect of Explosiveness on the Serve of Adolescent Tennis Players


本研究之目的為針對爆發力是否影響青少年網球選手的發球技能。方法:本研究對象為青少年網球選手共18 位,分為優秀組與一般組,先檢測青少年選手爆發力,再進行發球技能測試。研究採用獨立樣本t 檢定及多變量多元迴歸分析。本研究結果指出在發球技能方面,一般組的選手發球準度比優秀組選手佳(22.96%,41.11%;p < .05);優秀組的選手發球球速比一般組選手快(150.26 公里/小時,116.67 公里/小時;p <.05)。爆發力與發球技能方面,跳箱後橫向衝刺對於A 區、B 區與C 區發球準度達顯著差異(p < .05);跳箱訓練對於A 區發球速度達顯著差異(p < .05);跳箱後橫向衝刺對於A 區、B 區與C 區發球速度達顯著差異(p < .05)。本研究發現在青少年的網球比賽,若擁有強力的發球即使落點不佳只要發進,就有機會贏得比賽,但建議優秀組的網球選手犧牲一些球速,便可提升準度,一旦能夠精準控制發球,必能將球發至對手弱處,提高得分率;建議一般組的網球選手必須加強發球的球速,因為即使發球的落點再準確,球速不夠快,亦不足以造成威脅。另外,本研究發現跳箱訓練及跳箱後橫向衝刺可以增進下肢的平衡能力與爆發力,有助於提升發球的準度與速度。


The purpose of this study is to investigate whether explosiveness affects the tennis serving skills of young tennis players. Participants in this study consist of 18 adolescent tennis players and divided into two groups, elite and ordinary. Independent samples t test and multivariate regression analysis with significance level set at α = .05. In serving skills, the ordinary groups players' serve accuracy better then elite groups players (22.96%, 41.11%; p < .05); the elite groups players' serve speed better the ordinary groups players (150.26 km/hr, 116.67km/hr; p < .05). In explosiveness and serving skills, were significant between lateral sprint after box vault and serve accuracy and speed in zone A, B, C; and significant between box vault training and serve speed in zone A (p < .05). This study found that a powerful serve is sufficient to create a chance to win even if ball placement is poor in the youth tennis match. Once the serve can be precisely controlled, players will be able to place the ball where opponents are weak and therefore improve their scores. Ordinary players, by contrast, must increase the speed of their serve to improve accuracy. If speed is not high enough, it will not pose a threat to their opponents. Additionally, this study finds that box vault training and lateral sprinting after box vault will increase lower limb balancing ability and explosiveness, which will help increase serve accuracy and speed.


王鶴森、林偉毅、趙曉涵(2005)。網球發球落點與技術相關表現之研究─以2004 年美國網球公開賽男子單打賽為例。體育學報。38(4),109-120。
