  • 期刊

Diversity and Its Discontents: An Examination of How UK Higher Education is Responding to Diversity, and the Implications for Quality Assurance


This paper considers the nature of diversity within the context of UK higher education as it has expanded from an elite to a mass system. It discusses the challenges (or "discontents") this presents, from the perspective of different stakeholders; namely higher education providers, students and the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA). Three different and distinct aspects of diversity are discussed, with a particular focus on teaching and learning, in relation to meeting the needs of diverse student cohorts and facilitating a successful transition to higher education. The paper draws upon recent research in the field of educational development to support a pedagogic approach which promotes independent learning and student engagement, which is complemented by a quality assurance system of institutional review which encourages enhancement of the learning experience. The paper also reflects upon the challenges of diversity associated with widening participation in, and improving access to, higher education, as policies of social justice and national economic competitiveness are pursued. The paper concludes by identifying four issues central to the future of quality assurance in a system of expanded global higher education:


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