  • 期刊


The Characteristics of Speech-language Disorders in 4 to 6-Year-Old Children of a Medical Center in New Taipei City


目的:本研究以新北市某醫學中心的聯合評估門診個案為研究對象,分析4-6 歲學前兒童的言語- 語言評估結果。方法:採病歷回溯法,將2014 年間曾來求診的4-6 歲學前兒童,共414位,登錄其基本資料和各項評估結果後,以描述性統計和卡方檢定進行分析。結果:臨床評估的結果顯示,語言發展遲緩的人數最多(45.4%),其次是動作發展遲緩者(24.9%),而言語障礙部分則以構音異常的人數最多(54.1%)。另外本研究發現,語言發展遲緩兒童中有60.6% 合併了構音異常,而構音異常的兒童中也有50.9% 合併了語言發展遲緩。至於相關性分析方面,本研究的結果顯示,除了構音異常和語言發展遲緩有顯著相關外(p<.01),構音異常、語言發展遲緩也都分別和動作以及認知發展遲緩達顯著相關(p<.01)。結論:在4-6 歲學前兒童中,最常見的言語- 語言障礙為構音異常和語言發展遲緩,且兩者常會同時並存,而構音和語言能力也都分別和動作能力、認知能力達顯著相關。以上結果將可作為早療臨床人員在擬定介入計畫和安排後續轉介療育時的參考依據。


Objective: This study analyzed the speech and language problems of a group of 4-to 6-yearold preschool children. The aim was to explore the profiles and classifications of speech and language disorders of the children. Methods: The sample included 414 preschool children who visited a medical center in New Taipei City during January 2014 to December 2014. The joint evaluation reports of the subjects were were analyzed using descriptive statistics and chi-square test. Results: Language developmental delays (45.4%) and motor developmental delays (24.9%) were the most common developmental delays. As for the speech disorders, articulation disorders (54.1%) were the most frequent type. Among the children with language developmental delays, 60.6% had articulation disorders. Among the children with articulation disorders, 50.9% had language developmental delays. Chi-square analysis further revealed a significant correlation between language developmental delays and articulation disorders (p<.01). Also, language developmental delays as well as articulation disorders were significantly correlated with motor developmental delays and cognitive delays. Conclusion: The results obtained above could help clinical professionals have a better understanding of the co-occurring speech-language disorders as well as their correlation with motor developmental delays and cognitive delays. These results could also serve as a reference source for planning interventions and arranging referrals for children with speech-language disorders


