  • 期刊


The Influence of Elementary School Teachers' Psychological Capital to Group Cohesion: The Mediation of Emotional Labor and Leisure Coping


本研究在探討國小教師心理資本對團體凝聚力的影響-情緒勞務、休閒調適之中介效果之關係,分析國小教師在不同人口背景變項中,變項間的差異情形,同時歸納變項間之關聯性並驗證心理資本對團體凝聚力在情緒勞務與休閒調適間之中介效果。以新北市的國小教師為抽樣對象,採分層抽樣方式進行問卷調查,發放450份問卷,共得有效樣本426份,有效問卷率95%,使用SPSS 22進行統計分析。研究結果發現:不同個人背景變項在心理資本、情緒勞務、休閒調適及團體凝聚力有部分顯著差異;心理資本分別對休閒調適、團體凝聚力具顯著正向影響;情緒勞務對團體凝聚力有顯著正向影響;心理資本對情緒勞務具顯著正向影響;情緒勞務對休閒調適具顯著正向影響;休閒調適對團體凝聚力具顯著正向影響;國小教師心理資本、情緒勞務、休閒調適有效預測團體凝聚力,其中以情緒勞務之情緒表達規則知覺預測力最佳。在中介效果檢驗中,情緒勞務在心理資本與休閒調適有部分中介效果;情緒勞務在心理資本與團體凝聚力有部分中介效果。


The aim of this study was to discuss the relationships of teachers' psychological capital, emotional labor and leisure coping to group cohesion, while analyzing the differences of different demographic variables in psychological capital, emotional labor and leisure coping to group cohesion. Furthermore, induct the relationships among all of them and verify the mediating effect. The study used stratified sampling. The objects were teachers who teaching at public elementary school in New Taipei City. Total 450 questionnaires were distributed. And obtained 422 valid questionnaires were retrieved with an effective response rate of 94%. The statistic software SPSS 22.0 (Chinese version) was used for data analysis. The major findings of this study were summarized as follows. The different demographic variables have partial significant differences in psychological capital, emotional labor, leisure coping and group cohesion. Leisure coping has significant positive effect on psychological capital. Group cohesion has significant positive effect on psychological capital. Group cohesion has significant positive effect on Emotional labor. Emotional labor has significant positive effect on psychological capital. Leisure coping has significant positive effect on emotional labor. Group cohesion has significant positive effect on leisure coping. Psychological capital, emotional labor and leisure coping can effectively predict group cohesion. Meanwhile, the "emotional expression rules perception" dimension of emotional labor has the best prediction. Regarding mediator effect, emotional labor has partial mediation on the relationships between psychological capital, leisure coping. Emotional labor have partially mediation on the relationships between psychological capital and group cohesion.


