  • 期刊


Intersex Movement in Japan 1990-2020: An External Perspective


2015年全球陰陽人人權運動受到聯合國人權專家的認同,進入國際人權框架。亞洲陰陽人運動自1990年代起在日本萌芽,雖然其運動限於日本國內,其影響卻不限於日本國境,也間接幫助了亞洲甚至全球的陰陽人運動。然其奮鬥與發展的歷史未受到關注,缺乏整理、記錄。本研究的目的便是為保存與記錄這一段重要的亞洲陰陽人運動先行者的歷程,為亞洲陰陽人運動的啟蒙階段留下紀錄、見證歷史、啟迪後人。本研究以文獻整理的方式,從運動外部的觀點進行整理、記錄與分析。研究探討日本陰陽人運動的主要運動者、組織、策略、行動與關鍵議題,包括命名爭議、運動主張、陰陽人與lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender(LGBT)運動的關係及當前發展。有學者認為日本陰陽人運動仍是隱而未現、未成氣候。本研究主張從主體現身及其所實踐的行動包括組織、演講、出版、倡議等策略來看,日本陰陽人運動的存在無可置疑,並且表現亮眼,應予記錄、保存以啟發亞洲其他國家的陰陽人運動。建議未來可進一步訪談日本陰陽人運動者與社群,補充內部觀點,以補本研究之限制。


The United Nations human rights experts recognized the Global Intersex Human Rights Movement and framed it in the international human rights framework in 2015. The Asian Intersex Movement has sprouted in Japan since the 1990s. Although its movement is limited to Japan, its influence is not limited to the borders of Japan. It has also indirectly helped the intersex movement in Asia and even the world. The history of its struggle and development has not been paid attention. And there is a lack of organized records. This research aims to preserve and record this critical journey of the pioneers of the Asian Intersex Movement to document the enlightenment stage of the Asian Intersex Movement, witness history, and enlighten future generations. This research is organized, recorded, and analyzed from an external perspective by literature review and document. The study found that the leading activists, organizations, strategies, actions, and critical issues in the Japanese Intersex Movement, including nomenclature controversy, the claims of leading activists, the relationship between intersex and the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) movement, and the updated development. There is voice believes that the intersex movement in Japan is still absent and invisible. The research argues that from the perspective of the subjectivity embodiment and its actions, including building organizations, giving speeches, producing publications, advocacy, and other strategies, the existence of the intersex movement in Japan is undoubted, and its performance should be recorded to inspire the intersex people in the Asian Intersex Movement. Further interviews with Japanese intersex activists and communities are suggested for future research to supplement internal perspectives to fill this research's limitations.


Guillot, V. (2008). Émergence et activités de l’organisation internationale des intersexué·e·s [Emergence and activities of the international organization of intersex people]. Nouvelles Questions Féministes, 27(1), 144-150. doi:10.3917/nqf.271.0144
阿部知代(2018)。自分は「男性でも女性でもない何か」 ある漫画家の「性」の話。上網日期:2021年3月10日,檢自https://www.fnn.jp/articles/-/ 5941
