  • 期刊


Discussion on the Color Imagery of "Chishang Diary"




蔣勳 池上 色彩意象 色彩象徵 色彩詞


Imagery is synonymous with the concept of the meaning of things. A lot of cultural behavior, so that the original simple and backward village, the formation of a traditional Taiwan rural image representative. Stanley Yen in the "Chishang, free and wonderful" article, pointed out that "from Takeshi Kaneshiro to Chiang Xun", through the "Taiwan Good Foundation" to promote the artist in the village program, Chiang Xun became the first resident in the village, to create "Chishang art village". Chiang Xun, through the description of environment and nature, presents the natural color in Chishang, and gives the image of rural beauty in eastern Taiwan. In this paper, Chiang Xun 's "Chishang Diary" and "Impression in Chishang" as the object, to discuss the color image management through the text, and the image in Chishang represents the eastern image of Taiwan countryside.


Chiang Xun Chishang color image color symbol color words
