  • 期刊


The Impact of Transformation Use of Vacant Space within Shrinking City: A Case Study of Workstation Jiguang on Central District of Taichung City


臺中市中區是全臺灣第一個公告都市計劃的地區。經過120年的發展,加上政治商業中心轉移、交通轉運重心分散、縣市合併及高齡少子化等經濟、交通、政治及社會各面向的轉變,導致中區從繁華走向空洞化。近三十年來人口數從頂峰到谷底,減少超過50%,導致大量空置空間出現,呈現都市收縮的現象。由於公民的參與和空間的潛力,城市收縮既是一種不可逆轉的現象,也是一種機會。(Dubeaux & Sabot,2018)空置空間,定義為沒有使用的城市場所,是城市收縮過程複雜的結果。(Dubeaux & Sabot,2018)由臺中市政府經濟發展局委託中城再生文化協會進行「107年度臺中市中區空屋媒合計畫」,讓許多空置的老屋找到新的合作對象,在所有權不變的基礎上,透過新使用者以不同於原使用業態或重新改造空間形式等不同的轉型使用規劃,為舊街區注入新活力。其中帶來最廣泛影響的是「繼光工務所」。由建築專業者所組成的「繼光工務所」,從空間改造做起,轉型使用空置的老屋,透過空間使用規劃的特性,以多元平臺的運作模式,提供動靜不同的活動,引入不同需求的客層,達到促進中區人潮群聚。同時聯合多家事務所力量,將業務向外拓展提高在地的營收獲利。並且透過學習活動,凝聚更多共識,擴散影響力。對於促進人潮群聚,振興地方經濟,減緩城市收縮具有指標性意義。


Central District of Taichung City is the first area in Taiwan to implement a city plan. After 120 years of development, coupled with changes in the economic, transportation, political, and social aspects, such as the shift of political and commercial centers, the decentralization of transportation transfer centers, the merger of counties and cities, and the declining birthrate, Central District has turned from prosperity to hollowness. In the past three decades, the population has decreased by more than 50% from the peak to the bottom, leading to the emergence of a large number of vacant space and the phenomenon of shrinking city. Due to citizen participation and the potential of space, shrinking city is both an irreversible phenomenon and an opportunity. (Dubeaux & Sabot, 2018) Vacant space, defined as an unused urban place, is the result of a complex city shrinking process. (Dubeaux & Sabot, 2018) The Taichung City Government Economic Development Bureau commissioned the Midtown Regeneration Culture Association to carry out the "107 Taichung City Central District Empty House Matchmaking Plan" to allow many vacant old houses to find new partners for cooperation. On the basis of the same ownership, through the new users to use different from the original format or remodeled space, such as different forms of transition-use planning, to inject new life into the old neighborhood. Among them, the "Workstation Jiguang" has the most extensive influence. The "Workstation Jiguang", composed of construction professionals, starts with space transformation and transforms the use of vacant and old houses. Through the characteristics of space use planning, it uses a multi-platform operation mode to provide different activities, including static and dynamic activities. To achieve the promotion of crowds in Central District. At the same time, unite the strength of multiple offices, to expand their business outwards and increase local profits. And through learning activities, gather more consensus and spread influence. It has index significance for promoting crowd gathering, revitalizing the local economy, and slowing down the city's shrinkage.
